[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

He’s been helpful to a lot of people.
He reacts calmly when being attacked for virtually no reason.
He is progressive. (I like this trait.)

And most importantly in my obviously-terrible reasoning: He doesn’t attack nor shade me, despite having read me for a while.

This is NAI, but I am a biased person, so I don’t really care if this is supposed to be NAI or not.

With Leafia claiming there, I’m currently under the assumption she is town. IF she is town then her meta-read on Zone kind of clears her for me, though I will note that it felt like Zone was attempting to pocket me at one point.

Leafia & Zone - Townlean, but bound together (if one falls as scum I will reeval this).

Centuries, while weird in the beginning did do some work in the middle which I agree with, so townlean on them.

My scumreads are
(used to be mode, but he died)
Ash - Slight scumlean, I don’t feel like there is much help coming from them, mostly warnings about errors in my play and some logical reasoning against light.
Light, as ash pointed out there are some faults here and there, but nothing too bad that can’t be explained by “too quick” or just us not understanding properly. Slight scumlean.
Gorta - too little for me to say much about, but you guys are saying he needs to self-resolve so he’s here~~.

As with your list Kyo, this will change later.

We need to start using strifes

Uhhh Okay? Why?

Not my intent, but I will take it.
I love unconsciously pocketing people.

Can we all target Leafia?

I like this

I like this as well
And your scumread on Ash is okay, I disagree with Light but I have meta on him and Gorta is self-resolving

… because it’s Town KP
Why wouldn’t we use it

Leafia is a support. And they’ve claimed.
If they’re Town they should be dying soon.

That is counter-productive when we know she will die to claimvig though?

KP as in kill potential? I suppose this would work as I have no idea how many evils there are (probably not more than 3, thereof one is nk).

I never understood this one.
Can you explain this?

Because it has 5% chance of killing ourselves?

I assume this is a green light on ITA’ing her then.

Kill power. Also, I think you’re solving, so I’m moving you above ash on my readslist

No… why would it be

The problem is: “What if she doesn’t?”

Then we kill her?

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Okay which is much lower than the success chance

Who else should we ITA, if not her?

Leafia, mechanically to scum is too much of a threat
I don’t see the argument of ‘scum keeping her alive’ as possible either because she’s support

Exactly my point: Let’s kill her now!

/strife Leafia

Is she even killable without a strongman