[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Why the **** would that matter when we will pelt her with ITAs anyways!?

Because if she has abilities she hasn’t revealed
So if she does claim to have an ability to save people then I’m back to my original argument

If she has it, then she would’ve said so by now.
Plus, ONCE AGAIN, it could be a FAKECLAIM.

If it’s a fakeclaim I’m back to my original argument that we lynch her D2 because scum always kills her N1

*she would’ve said it immediately from the start



Bloody hell, why are you so stubborn on protecting Leafia!?

Because I’m not stupid

I’m protecting Leafia from ITAs until she full claims

…thereby indirectly saying that all who wants Leafia dead are stupid.
Wow. How vicious.

But scum leafia doesn’t die either

so where does that get us to d2

town leafia with multiple abilities does die n1

you’re assuming scum has a strongman

Also, the fakeclaim can come from a town as well: Claims are NEVER alignment indicative!

Let’s be honest here, a non-strongman claimvig is a ****** claimvig.

Oh yeah, it’s a day ability
We just tell her not to use it

And now back with my ideology:
Why would they kill Leafia when not killing town!Leafia could cause a D2 Mislynch?

because she could have abilities like saving + killing scum that she hasn’t claimed yet
And I want to see what she claims
Which is why I don’t want her pelted with ITAs

wouldnt you saying the only she survives is by claiming that

make her claim that


missed a word