[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

I disagree because chrono has multiple abilities that are niche that all combine to become powerful but you can believe what you want
At this point I’m not willing to take any responsibility on Leafia

I disagree because I (emphasis on “I”) don’t have that kind of role myself.

Oh. So you finally backed off.
…well, I say it’s about damn time.

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Centuries 1/5
oB_L1ght ash4fun 1/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, mathmods, KyoDaz, Leafia, Zone_Q11, oB_L1ght 6

…people need to vote some methinks…

I don’t have that kind of role either unfortunately, with Chronomancer being my favourite ToL class
But it’s possible given that ModeShifter has flipped triple voter (which is incredibly powerful) and I’m given decently vital mech info N0

wait i was making a post and its gone now

I am not worried about POWER. I am worried about the amount of abilities Leafia has!

You say that Chrono’s abilities are a mix of niche abilities, but the only way for you to save Leafia is if two of those “niche” abilities make up for her two already known abilities.

In other words: I see that you -the person whom I have chosen as my partner for the first event- are trying SO HARD at defending Leafia; the person I want dead the most. …and I don’t like it.

…ah. Right. I hopped off Leafia to get you.
I forgot about that.

/vote Leafia

Oof. What did you want to say though?

Should I do my thing today?

…what is even your thing?

I mean, we don’t really know considering we don’t know what your ‘thing’ is

uh, probably not until you’re under pressure?

Unless there’s some other mech info it’ll give besides clearing you?

its like

uhh peple shouldnt think that because nothing is happening

it doesnt mean there’s no scum

Think what?

Oh. You mean this? What do you mean by “nothing is happening”?


thread 1

Ah… I advise you to not bother with the other thread. That thread has <250 posts while we have >700 posts. …it’s a relatively dead thread, really.

people don’t trust self resolving claims (for good reason)

Tinfoil denied. I don’t need a tinfoil on Leafia to get me tunnel her, especially given the amount of abilities she claims to have.

…gorta, what even is your point?
What do you want to do, and does that even have anything to do with this game?

If it does, then drop that and focus on the Leafia case with us.