[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

All scum shoot at me. Town never shoots at me here Leafia.

Stop listening to obvious scum ash4fun.

No. Only scum shoots at me. Townies shoot at you.

Host clarification:

Players may strife up to one time per day, and regenerates every day.

/vote Leafia @clonedcheese

Ash is listening to town. Gorta is listening to obvious scum.

it looks like you are in your scum meta and I plan to vote you eventually, I just wanted discussion time

Totally original votecount

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Centuries, Zone_Q11, an_gorta_pratai 3/5
oB_L1ght ash4fun 1/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour,leafia 2/5
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, mathmods, KyoDaz, Leafia, oB_L1ght 5


I’m not in my scum meta. This is my town meta. You’ve seen how I’ve been improving as scum. I wouldn’t be like this right now if I was scum.Nor would I being pushed nearly this hard.

@clonedcheese I voted for Zone too.

I totally have that there :^)

No. Only scum shoots at me. Townies shoot at you.

@ash4fun, here is your reason to MAKE YOUR CHOICE.

gorta is listening to town. ash is listening to the person defending an obvious scum.

@clonedcheese You put my vote on Light. It should be on Zone.

Only scum shoot at me. Townies shoot at you here.

All the more reason for us to kill you.

:^) :^) :^)

Gorta is listening to obvious scum while Ash is listening to someone defending a powerful townie.

All the more reason to realize that I’m not scum here. Nothing you do or say will magically make me scum here Zone.

Wow. Talk about getting repetitive.

You’re doing it too and just because you say something doesn’t change facts Zone.