[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

It is mostly this part that feels forced to me. It’s all one sentence which makes it sound really awkward and inconvenient.

“and pairing with you seems fun since you’re one of my top townreads”

This post. Wow.

I’m suspicious that this is a player ability. @clonedcheese Do the mafia get 1 factional kill per thread or 1 factional kill total?

All information that the host will disclose is in the OP.

going to sleep soon

last call for pings until 2 hours before EoD

How about no? I really shouldn’t reveal today, but I will if I have to.

FMPoV this sounds like TMI, as we really don’t know how many gs are in each thread.

I am not. Why the heck are you helping Leafia as if you 100% know her alignment?
–also, at the time, she doesn’t look as if she was hyperposting, so I don’t understand why you’d think she was.

GDI. Does nobody read my explanation post!?

Worth mentioning how? Just like how my entire ISO is filled with Leafia PL BS Agenda, yours is filled with mine.
The only difference is that you never admit that you’re also a damn hypocrite.

No **** Sherlock, but at least I tell everyone that my posts are bad, unlike Leafia who doesn’t stop her LAMIST scummeta.

It’s called personal bias, and it’s something that is very, very hard to erase.

Plus, if I really were a Scorned, then who do you think are my targets? Do you truly think that RNG gods could’ve ever granted me both Leafia and Modeshifter, the two people I never tolerate, as my targets if I were to be a Scorned-like role?

PKR thought Mode’s death was a scheme made by Leafia to make both him and me look bad.
Hammer says that PKR is overthinking it.
I think Leafia is not smart enough to even scheme.

This has nothing to do with PKR’s tinfoil, and just states a seemingly already known fact.

Of course you just had to like the guy who voted me out of frustration. You’re no different than Leafia after all.

Yeah. Wait until you see my post about my reasoning.

Nice to see that, just like your pet, you also have the same tendencies to ignore everything that isn’t favorable to you.


Do literally none of you read this?
I can somewhat understand Ash’s vote since he had to make someone as a scapegoat for his “temporary vote”, but 4x4 is a literal Leafia 2.0 who is actually worse than the real thing!

At the very least Leafia talked to me about the status quo and tried to make an agreement to vote for whoever Ash votes who are neither her nor myself.

Then there’s mathmods whom is liked by 4x4.
Math’s last posts before he went to sleep were:

The first post was filled with:
• Him disliking my fight with Leafia. (Even though we somewhat settled down when he’d posted this.)
• Him saying he doesn’t like me because I am “incensing” him. (Understandable, but I had hoped for him to at least see where my logic is coming from.)
• Our fight somehow affected his townread on Centuries negatively. (I asked him why, but then he went to sleep.)

His second post was literally only filled with regret of coming over, and then he (presumably) snapvoted me.

It ain’t as if I can’t see Math is putting effort to be constructive, but that’s not my point.

His last post was only filled with something that is favorable to 4x4, so of course I would think that 4x4 would want to sweettalk him to be his puppet to fight against me.

I hate to admit it, but 4x4 has really been slipping for me lately. I hated his shot at Zone and I will admit that Gorta’s response to my suggestion that he be the lynch wasn’t the worst that I’ve ever seen, so I suppose that it’s possible that Gorta is town. I’m only guessing that we only have one more groupscum in this thread since it would make sense given the numbers of players in each thread and stuff. 4x4’s attempt at strifing Zone smells like a possible attempt by scum to get rid of a town that’s against another town and make it seem like he’s just a townie that genuinely thought that Zone was scum. It’s mostly the timing of the shot that I don’t like to be honest. The way I see it, there’s two choices for today’s execution. Either 4x4 or Gorta, and I’d be fine with either of them getting executed here currently. Since as much as I hate to admit it, I think the Zone/Leafia fight has been TvT this entire time. I’m sorry I suspected you Zone.

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I want to we vote 4x4, but then I ISO’d gorta and… I am starting to see why people don’t like him. In my case though, it was because of when he gave a weak result when I’d asked him to ISO Leafia.

…somehow, I have reached a dilemma.

What’s the dilemma? Whichever one you decide to vote for, I’ll vote for too. After all, no sense in the two of us not voting together for now.

It’s a literal “one or the other”, and we can’t use RNG since we assume that there is only one scum in the 4x4/gorta pair, so…

…hm? Hey, didn’t gorta say that he could self-resolve? It sounds as if he can do so immediately, so maybe he is an InnoChild?
…but what if it’s a bluff…

Hrm… Welp. I guess gorta should be able to self-resolve. Let’s see if he can truly do that.

/vote an_gorta_pratai @clonedcheese

A good idea I think.i approve. I don’t think it’ll be hard at all to convince Ash to vote for Gorta, although Centuries might be a bit tougher to convince.

Uh… Let’s just give up on convincing him at all.
Like, it’ll only cause more heated debates if you keep arguing with him, and mathmods somehow blames that to me…

@an_gorta_pratai Reveal today and self resolve or you’ll have a very high chance of being today’s execution.

Yeah, you’re probably right there. He’s a lost cause at this point.

I skimmed Leafia’s ISO for 5 minutes and recognized patterns from Leafia’s other scum games and didn’t have a source to work with for Leafia town games.

Why do you think that now? I know you change opinions at the drop of a hat, but I want you to explain this sudden change of opinion