[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

… It’s probably just mathmods, then.

yeah. It’s like it’s own passive tho


…wait. How does this save Cent?

I’m no longer sure what people are talking about.

By sending the attack two nights into the future. Bleed in ToL is considered an Attack.

I mean

if there is a bleeder

there’s a healer

if Leafia just

always delay my bleed I never die right :^)

I’m hoping a bleed counts as an attack. I’m not sure about it though.

What about bleeds in this game?

Ask @clonedcheese.

Ash is it a true green

like 100% town never flips nk scum

or is it something else

Something something “shares faction with you”

ah well

guess town then


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia an_gorta_pratai,ash4fun 2/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
fourfourfourfour Zone_Q11, Leafia 2/5

yell for mistakes


REEE i unvoted



/vote mathmods @clonedcheese


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia an_gorta_pratai,ash4fun 2/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
fourfourfourfour Zone_Q11, Leafia 2/5
mathmods KyoDaz 1/5

yell for mistakes


Centuries is town socially
Gorta is IC
Ash ITA’d scum
math is there
Leafia has an ability peeked by myself and has flavor claimed, also self-resolving on Centuries’ bleed
Zone is… there, and should resolve soon
fourfourfourfour is greenchecked

Just got an answer from Cloned but it isn’t good news. My role doesn’t interact with the bleed mechanic so I can’t save Centuries.

So Ash, 4x4 and gorta are guaranteed town or townaligned?
With Centuries being bled by probably mafia, and Leafia self-resolving.
That leaves me, Zone and Kyo as the odd ones out…

I find Kyo more likely to be town than Zone in all cases…

/vote Zone @clonedcheese

Lynch is between mathmods and Zone_Q11, at this point