[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Hmm I suppose this is negative utility

His passive literally said that the first event will fail as long as he lives.

How is that not a negative passive?

Yeah, I’m willing to kill Leafia just for not claiming a negative utility passive now

Not all attempts, only attempts between Humans and Trolls (which is weird considering Leafia claims a human and Mode was troll…)

/vote Leafia @clonedcheese

You gotta be kidding me, you piece of Persona.

Are you telling me that only now do you tolerate a Leafia exe? After EVERYTHING that I have been through!?

Stop complaining and start voting

leafia cant save me

yes ofc

I am going to be pissing myself if Leafia just got caught because we’ve all claimed
She should’ve been shot already anyway

Kyo, you literally were townreading me just seconds before that post. Use your head like you were earlier. Just because I’m telling the truth about my passive is no reason to execute me and if you think I’m lying about my passive, strolife me until someone gets a hit on me. That’ll prove that I’m telling the truth about my passive.

Dude. What the… didn’t you say you believed in her claims!? And now you suddenly do another 180 after just realizing that “a lot of people” have negative passives!?

I’m in full belief that every single town in this thread has a negative utility passive
Leafia has not claimed one

Uhhh… I thought I was dying today?

/Vote Leafia @clonedcheese

That’s certainly not true Kyo and that’s literally the worst reasoning in the world for wanting me dead.

Does ash & 4x4 have a negative passive?


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia an_gorta_pratai,ash4fun, KyoDaz, mathmods 4/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
mathmods Zone_Q11, leafia 2/5

yell for mistakes

@ash4fun Do you have a negative utility passive

/unvote @clonedcheese

Too close to hammer for my likeings, will finish stuff and maybe put it back

1 Like

No town ever does a 180 on someone because of that. This is a RT, isn’t it?


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia an_gorta_pratai, KyoDaz, mathmods 3/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
mathmods Zone_Q11, leafia 2/5

yell for mistakes