[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

But once again, you’re just taking the weakest part of my argument which is your 1 town game instead of talking about the biggest issue, to me at least, the most incrimating part is that you did the same play in 3 other games and you were in all those 3 games.

I don’t care if you’re actually scum reading me, My issue is the way you’re doing it, the way you argument for it. Me being doubtful of your LAMIST opener coming from town you doesn’t make me scum and you can use gut all you want we’re at a point in our discussion where we’re past gut.

were scum

It wasn’t LAMIST at all. Joking around isn’t being LAMIST.

I never said that you were scum. I just said that I had a scumlean read on you.

The fact you were joking makes me think you did that opener to be like “lol im so relatable can you relate to being townie guys” so even if you were joking it doesnt make you more townie

It also doesn’t make me any more wolfy. It’s NAI.

Leafia what have you done that’s town AI

You misread it massively then.

Your progression on me makes no sense either?

Why would you go from Gut scum to probably scum to me being town like you don’t seem to be acknowledging much of my points

Even worse, you called that dude in the other thread “openwolfing” because agreed with me

But you don’t get Town point from doing NAI stuff and you calling it NAI isn’t a good look either

It’s either you were joking and you weren’t doing LAMIST which then doesn’t make your opener look good OR you’re scum doing LAMIST

At least to me, and I don’t think I’m the only one seeing this

It makes sense. I just don’t think you’d continue being like this as a wolf. You’re literally being TWTBAW right now.

Centuries: “You are LAMIST!”
Leafia: “I am not!”
Zone: “I don’t care. I want a Leafia PL because of 100% unfair bias.”

Unless anyone can get me a solid read of someone else, I plan to keep pushing the Leafia PL.

I wasn’t doing it to get town points. I was doing it to be funny and amuse people.

I keep reaching the conclusion Leafia is literally replicating her scum games and then fall into a gambler’s fallacy
SURELY she’s not randed scum again

I haven’t.

thus you were doing it for town points

No I wasn’t. I wasn’t doing it to make people think I was town.

Hey Kyo. Wanna PL Leafia?

I absolutely hate this line
I don’t like it at all
It just screams they internally know they’re wolfy but they’re arguing it’s not enough for Centuries to scumread them
Which comes from a very self-conscious POV