[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Kyo’s claim was that you were 1-day lynchproof groupscum playing as jester today.

4x4’s resolve can only be done if he dies N3, since Cent claims to be able to survive until N2 when he was bled D1.

Point is: Do you really think he will not be healed when the thread merges at D3? …well, if 4x4 dies on N3, then that confirms that we don’t have a doctor among us.

…oh. That would actually make more sense, but uh… all I can do (as either alignment) is simply refuse his theory.

Like, all I can do is empower people, and since 4x4 refuses to tell us what he did N1 under the pretense of me being a rolefishing scum, I can’t exactly prove myself either.

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
KyoDaz ash4fun, an_gorta_pratai 2/4
Zone_Q11 Zone_Q11, fourfourfourfour 2/4
Centuries KyoDaz 1/4

…Kyo, I can’t seem to understand you.

You push gorta to lynch Centuries. You have given your arguments as for why as well. (Props to you for that; I don’t know many people who gives arguments nowadays.)

In the worst case scenario, he would die as a dying villager anyways, right?
So… then why are you pushing Centuries to vote me, when you clearly don’t push for it at all?

I can literally keep denying your theories, because just as my Empowerer claim can’t be proven mechanically, neither can yours.

All you have to go on for your theory (i.e. your only argument of me being a 1-Shot Lynchproof) is my nihilistic behavior, coupled with the coincidence that ash4fun received the “message from the host”.

In all my posts, I keep stressing that part out, because the reason why I cannot trust ash4fun’s claim is because he simultaneously greenchecks 4x4 and redchecks me when I clearly know that he is wrong about the latter part. The worst part is: He can shrug off his redcheck on me by simply saying: “I didn’t say Zone is scum. The host simply gave me this information, so maybe the host is scum-sided?”

–back to Kyo: I don’t understand something else as well. You wanted to keep Leafia alive D1 so that she can (supposedly) self-resolve Today. So why aren’t you doing the same to Centuries? Why focus on the supposedly dying Centuries instead of either me or ash4fun?

Event 3.1

Kankri Vantas



N9w I realize we’ve 6een at this f9r s9me time already, 6ut at the risk 9f derailing the dial9gue y9u initiated, and may I just say h9w thrilled I am that y9u did, Karkat, I w9uld just like qualify my entire analysis 9f y9ur “Alternian culture” 6y saying that in c9ntrast with life 9n 6ef9rus, while y9ur pe9ple may have 6een engaged in vi9lent, lethal class struggle f9r milli9ns 9f sweeps, 6y n9 means d9es this imply that the 6ef9ran way 9f life was entirely with9ut pr96lematic elements, perhaps even m9re distur6ing and insidi9us f9r their lack 9f ackn9wledgement and 9pen discussi9n, particularly as a c9nsequence 9f what in my view were widely and dismayingly unexamined systemic s9cial injustices resulting fr9m the entrenched p9wer dynamics in play, dynamics strikingly similar t9 th9se 9f y9ur planet’s markedly m9re 6ellic9se iterati9n, which has 9nly served t9 fully vindicate my hyp9thesis that such a hierarchy is really predicated 9n intrinsic dysfuncti9n, and failure t9 shift all the usual narratives and undiagn9sed pr96lems int9 an 9pen, judgment-free disc9urse thr9ugh which pr96lematic issues are c9nstructively channeled int9 m9re intelligently pr96lematized avenues 9f discussi9n.
N9w 6ef9re I c9ntinue, it is 9nly decent 9f me t9 warn y9u a69ut certain triggers that are surely ahead in this essay. I mean c9nversati9n. Triggers include 6ut likely will n9t 6e limited t9 class 9ppressi9n, culling culture and vi9lence against gru6s, lusus a6use, c9mplementary and anal9g9us hate speech, pail filling, slurries and 9ther c9ncupiscent fluids, lifespan shaming, a6leist slurs, pr9lix dissertati9n… Actually, may6e it w9uld 6e easier f9r y9u t9 list y9ur triggers, and I’ll d9 my 6est t9 av9id th9se t9pics, 9r navigate them m9re delicately, if at all p9ssi6le? #TW #9ppressi9n #culling #gru6 vi9lence #lusus a6use #hem9ph96ia #pails #slurries
Great. It s9unds like y9u d9n’t have any triggers, at least n9ne that y9u kn9w a69ut. I’ll pr9ceed with cauti9n nevertheless. Just please let me kn9w if y9u start feeling triggered 6y anything I’m saying, and we can take a 6rief time-9ut while y9u summ9n y9ur m9irail t9 help pacify y9u, assuming y9u have 9ne. N9t that I’m presuming y9u d9, 6ut I heard that y9u did, is that c9rrect? If n9t, I ap9l9gize. I further ap9l9gize if y9ur 9rientati9n precludes the p9ssi6ility, as a pale ar9mantic, panquadrant demir9mantic, s9mething in the gray palesexual department 9r such, and h9pefully y9u are n9t triggered 6y such presumptu9us c9ncillian9rmative language. It w9uldn’t 6e the first time I was guilty 9f such an inexcusa6le micr9aggressi9n, and I am n9t s9 96livi9us t9 my 9wn r9mantic privilege t9 6elieve it will 6e the last time either. #c9ncillian9rmativity #micr9aggressi9ns #r9m privilege #presumptu9us #m9irails #inexcusa6le
I’m glad I 6r9ught up the su6ject 9f unexamined privilege, 6ecause it d9vetails 6eautifully with the p9int I was a69ut t9 make regarding 6ef9ran s9ciety and its savage um6ral p9tentiality which later manifested thr9ugh the kind 9f Alternian 6rutality y9u are all t99 familiar with. Th9se in the higher echel9ns 9f the hem9spectrum such as the ceruleans, 9r “6lue 6l99ds” (careful, 6eing l99se with such termin9l9gy is 9pening the fl99dgates t9 a wh9le h9st 9f t9xic signist language and hem9ph96ic slurs), when addressing the challenges faced 6y th9se l9wer 9n the spectrum, such as the midhues 9r in particular warm castes like um6ers, 9chres, 9r “rust 6l99ds” (an9ther slur, highly pr96lematic, deeply 9ffensive and triggering termin9l9gy, str9ngly impl9ring y9u steer clear 9f this term), they w9uld 6e well advised t9 check their cerulean privilege, particularly 6ef9re dismissing hardships 9r marginalizing claims 9f 9ppressi9n, which can 6e difficult f9r them t9 identify 9r empathize with fr9m their advantage9us p9siti9n within the 6ef9ran//Alternian p9wer structures. #d9vetail #pr96lematic #p9wer structures #t9xic signist language
And s9me may argue that in 9ur peaceful “ut9pian” culture that we have freed 9urselves fr9m injustice and disparities in privilege in a p9st-scarcity ec9n9my, largely equal rights distri6uted acr9ss the hem9spectrum, and theref9re exist in a “p9st-spectral w9rld” (laugh 9ut l9ud), and theref9re there is n9 need t9 champi9n imp9rtant s9cial causes and there is n9thing left t9 de6ate, 6ut really n9thing c9uld 6e further fr9m the truth. Y9u just need t9 educate y9urself and carefully investigate the l9ngstanding p9wer dynamics in play. F9r instance, a seemingly “harmless” remark fr9m a cis6l99ded cerulean t9ward an um6er 9r G9d f9r6id a 6urgundy 9r yes even a warm-identifying physically-c99ler caste, a69ut their very l9ng term future plans such as 9n the 9rder 9f centuries, then this may pr9ve t9 6e a very hurtful micr9agressi9n due t9 the fact that l9whues cann9t p9ssi6ly live that l9ng themselves, and the m9re priviliged caste c9uld easily 9utlive d9zens 9f generati9ns 9f midhues 9r hundreds 9f generati9ns 9f 6U9Ys (6urgundy-um6er-9chre-yell9wgreens, n9te please av9id descri6ing the latterm9st as “lime 6l99ds” as it has hist9rically 6een used as an especially vici9us epithet). Such remarks can further trigger painful reminders 9f h9w c99ler castes, t9 s9me extent 9JAs, 6ut CIPs and R9yal-Vs in particular, have 6een a6le t9 use their tremend9us lifespans 9ver the millenia t9 gain a strangleh9ld 9ver the s9cial 9rder, have 6een a6le t9 c9mpletely dictate 9ur s9cietal ev9luti9n 6y ensuring 9nly their cultural agendas and narratives receive the dial9gue’s air supply, assuring the c9dificati9n 9f th9se resultant ideals and deciding what “n9rmalcy” entails, and sadly these a6s9lutes 6ec9me internalized acr9ss the full spectral range, even within th9se 9f m9st c9mpr9mised privilege, and s9 y9u 6egin t9 see the cyclical nature 9f the dysfuncti9n and the resulting inertia against p9sitive change and raising awareness 9f the m9st underpr96lematized issues, which I think we can agree, is pretty pr96lematic. #p9st spectral w9rld #l9l #6U9Ys #9JAs #CIPs #R9yal Vs #narratives #agendas #narratives
And really, it’s every9ne’s 6usiness t9 examine their privilege, even 6urgundies, wh9 may 6e su6ject t9 the pitfall 9f 6elieving inc9rrectly there are n9ne 9n the scale 6eneath them wh9m they enj9y certain privileges 9ver, which 9ff-spectrum tr9lls will never kn9w, such as th9se identifying as 9ther6l99ds 9r caste-multiples, “p9ly6l99ded”, any wh9 hem9gl96ically ID as having a caste which manifests n9where (as yet kn9wn) in any9ne physically, 9r f9r that matter 9ffspecs wh9 physically d9 p9ssess such a 6l99d type, 9r “mutants” (VERY pr96lematic term, highly triggering t9 s9me, 6e warned), such as y9u and I, Karkat. 6ut this puts us 69th in a situati9n which t9 9ur kn9wledge uniquely all9ws us t9 understand and empathize with tragically underprivileged and unemp9wered gr9ups acr9ss all scuttles 9f life, thus aff9rding us 69th what I like t9 call a “uniquely underprivileged privilege”, which, yes, is a kind 9f privilege we sh9uld 69th strive t9 check as well, whenever we can. This same uniquely underprivileged perspective as I’m sure y9u kn9w was disadvantaged up9n my p9st-scratch iterati9n as well, and while I have n9 d9u6t y9u justifia6ly came t9 revere that figure 9f y9ur planet’s rich hist9ry and y9ur pers9nal lineage, and while his g9als 9f peace, equality, and a truly spectra6lind s9ciety, I’m afraid I pers9nally have tr9u6le c9nd9ning his meth9ds. I d9n’t like t9 use the term “pr96lematic” lightly, 6ut, well, his tactics were n9thing if n9t massively pr96lematic, t9 say the least, empl9ying vi9lent uprising t9 effect change, and em6laz9ning his mark up9n hist9ry and his faithful f9ll9wers with the salty fl9urish 9f a single rude, sh9uted swear w9rd, it’s n9t t9 my taste even th9ugh he is wh9 I w9uld have gr9wn up t9 6e in an9ther life. 6ut n9, I prefer t9 effect s9cial change thr9ugh rati9nal, h9nest disc9urse and c9ntri6uting t9 9ng9ing dial9gues, f9cusing 9n what sh9uld 6e the real g9als, thr9ugh keen adherence t9 the discipline 9f Pr96lematics, ensuring that we stay f9cused 9n successfully pr96lematizing a wide range 9f direly underc9mplicated s9cial dilemmas. #underc9mplicati9n #salty fl9urish #rude sh9uted swear w9rd #spectra6lind s9ciety.
It’s nice t9 see we agree 9n s9 much. May6e we are n9t s9 unalike, despite 9ur drastically different up6ringings. Anyway, as I was saying, the st9ry 9f y9ur ancest9r, and m9re imp9rtantly my exhaustive list 9f misgivings with his appr9ach t9 s9cial change, is quite a l9ng and ela69rate 9ne, 6ut it actually fits 6rilliantly within the larger m9saic which captures the 6r9ad str9kes 9f my p9st. I mean 9ur discussi9n. Trigger warnings f9r the f9ll9wing c9ntent include: ancest9r 6ashing, faith shaming, l9ud swearing, t9rture, 6urn w9unds, ship sinking… again, seri9usly, just let me kn9w if y9u 6egin t9 feel triggered 6y anything, even slightly. We’ll pause and see if we can really expl9re th9se issues, and identify exactly h9w I may have invalidated y9ur struggles. With9ut further ad9, the st9ry is as f9ll9ws: #TW #ancest9r 6ashing #shaming #swearing #t9rture #6urns #ship sinking #struggles

You come across Kankri Vantas, who want’s to monologue-- I mean give you a lecture!

To counteract this worddump of a troll, you need to train yourself to similarly give massive worddump-- I mean insightful lectures!

Create a wallpost, on whatever topic you wish. Players will be granted points based on the number of characters in their post.

All parts of your wallpost must be in coherent English, that make sense syntactically. You may include game-relevant information, at your own risk. Make sure to put it in “hide spoilers”! Ping the hosts if you think you have a submission. The host has the right to reject any degenerate entries.

You have until the beginning of the next event, at 2020-07-10T18:00:00Z

Note: Any copypasta will be immediately disqualified!

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eh kyo pushing me is a little sus tbh lmao

…this doesn’t look good. Essentially this means that anyone can just post 10k+ “a” and it will still count as a wallpost. Essentially, it’s just finding out what the maximum characters discourse can manage.

I propose that the wallpost must be about something for real and not just some random wallpost.

Kyo pushing you is fine FMPOV, but him pushing you to vote me when he literally had an agenda saying that I am a 1-Shot Lynchproof is susp as hell.

This sounds more like it! :+1:

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I mean look at the things objectively

I’m dying either way

What’s the point of lynching me unless he thinks there’s like

potential lylo soon which doesnt happen since threads merge

so idk

Yep. …so, should we wait for Kyo to respond?

I keep telling everyone about this as well, but: “What are your plans after you lynch me?”
(I will NOT back off from getting lynched Today. Me getting lynched is the easiest way to get rid of my boredom -since I am a literal Empowerer that can only target 4x4- and the easiest way to prove that ash4fun is BS’ing about his “host message”.)

I guess this is what we will do then.
Either this, or wait for people to submit their entries for the event.
Either way: It will end up in me waiting for people to respond to me.

Submission Event 3

So… I don’t like silence, and it kinda feels that everyone is gone all of the sudden, so I want to talk a bit about something. I got bored a bit (of course) and I began to read Homestuck for real, unlike a couple of days ago when I stopped after the first 10 pages or so. I am currently on Page 253 and so far the story has been personally ingenious as they have literal implemented the topic of data structure as their superpowers. I am a university student in my second year, with a programming course (though I forget stuff faster than I learn them), and it really feels awkwardly funny to see the main characters use data structure to store their items. I have yet to encounter Dave Strider as the character, but I did see his username early on in the Pesterchum. I gotta say, Pesterchum is really inefficient unless it is used by a handful of people, considering the system show all past chatlogs and when they changed their statuses. Then comes the fact that the statuses are a undoubtedly “unorthodox”, but then again I guess it is fine as long as not too many people use the software since it would mean that only the handful users would be used with them, thereby not bothering those who never know about it. --anyhow, back to the main point, I am currently on Page 253 and as anyone who has read it before would know… this thing KEEPS DRAGGING ON AND ON AND ON! Goddamn, how much time can you possibly waste in a sandbox world!? I am currently on 253/56. This derailing has 56+ pages worth or story that is apparently not related to the main story!? I once clicked a link to the cool thing that cheese (I think) can’t use despite it being a cool gif, but even that was already on Page 3000+. You are telling me that there are already 3000+ pages in Homestuck, and yet you add MORE sidetracking pages onto the pages!? Bloody hell, what the heck am I reading!? What’s also odd about this is that some of the interesting stuff (such as the black goo) ARE only mentioned in the sidetrack pages! The fact that I am a completionist isn’t helping either, and I really want to progress the story, but I also want to check EVERYTHING, but I also don’t want to listen to the quarrel between the storyteller and the damn blue clown thing (forgot its name already). It was at this point that I see how much I have written, and now I am thinking that I might as well participate in the event thing that lasts only four hours. I have asked cheese whether stories are also allowed (since I once made a 11k+ characters long mini-story) but it has been already 30+ minutes by the time I am writing this sentence, so I doubt he will respond in time. --geez, it has already been 30+ minutes since I wrote my last post. Where the heck is everyone? It’s almost as if they are busy IRL at the perfect time when this event is happening. …either that, or they are doing the same as me, writing their own wallpost. I am still kinda skeptical about being the wallpost thing since the limit to this event is not only the 4 hours time limit, but essentially also the character limit that discourse can handle. I googled up how it works and… I think that discourse simply doesn’t have a limit. --oh cheese finally responded. …welp, I think that “doing whatever I want” would include the 11k+ characters story into this piece of wallpost, so I guess I will just make a separate spoiler for that. Hooray, less work! --but I am still not satisfied. As I said before, I believe that this event is flawed. Since it is unknown what the character limit is, I will just have to assume that everyone can just write stuff up like I am doing right now, but I still think that the event is strange. You get points based on the amount of characters in our posts, but despite having been told in P#1782 that the player with the most points would receive “a prize relevant to the game”, I think that the reward will just be cancelled just like how D1’s event was cancelled because of Modeshifter’s passive, which lingers on even after his death. It was later explained that the first event was doomed to fail anyways, but… it really feels unsatisfying. Especially since I (would like to believe that I) caused cheese to make the second event by asking him whether I am allowed to vote in the other thread as well or not. It really was a shame that Appel & Wazza didn’t win. I didn’t and still don’t really care about the tactics. Their conversation was the only one with teddy bears and hugs involved. How could you not vote for that!? I swear you guys are really biased towards tactical votes. It really feels like politics, and I HATE politics. --anyhow back on track, I believe that this third event should have a limit of points we can achieve or otherwise there could be that one guy that spends an hour or two writing the longest wallpost that he can write because he has nothing better to do. Honestly, I would be surprised if that guy isn’t me, but that’s not really the point right now. The point is that if our points are based on the amount of characters in our submissions, then it would clearly be unfair. There would always be someone who clearly has thousands of characters more than the other, and I don’t like that kind of unfairness. I did think of a way to solve this mess, which is done by dividing the number of characters by a thousand or so, but even that would still be unfair in case someone is thousands of characters ahead compared to the other. So then I thought of another way to fix this, but uh… if I were to write that answer down, then I am afraid that cheese might have some funny ideas and use it for real. The idea I have is inspired by one of my favorite games, and it will 100% make everyone’s submissions “somewhat equal”, but it will not DEFINITELY not be fair either. With the solution I have in mind, someone who has written less than a hundred characters might win against someone who has written thousands of characters, so uh… yeah. No. I am NOT going to reveal it in this post. Yes, I am that petty. Heck, I am the petty player who betrayed Leafia in the end, and I STILL have no regrets of doing that! …okay, maybe I do have some regrets considering it was a role with four abilities of which none are negative, BUT COME ON! Could you really blame me for thinking that every town has a negative passive!? I have one, KyoDaz has one, mathmods and Modeshifter have one… How could I know that she had been telling the truth!? KyoDaz can BS his way out and tell everyone that “he has meta reads on her” and whatnot, but did you all even remember how Leafia died? She got HAMMERED. I was the one who betrayed and killed her, but I couldn’t have done so without FOUR OTHER VOTERS. You can trashtalk me all you want, about how you guys don’t like me, but THAT IS JUST FAVORITISM, ISN’T IT!? “Oh hey, I don’t like this guy. He pushed me to do this once. I don’t know what else he did, but I don’t think he did anything important.” “Oh really now? What a coincidence, I think that this guy is full of BS as well!” “…do you two have any proof of it though?” “Your way of talking is THE undeniable proof that you are scum!” Like, what the actual ****? Are you guys ********? I know that I have an anti-town meta, but at the very least I am still someone who checks for arguments when it comes to pushing for people, and holy **** do you guys sound dumb. --gah, you guys wouldn’t listen to me anyways, since “everything I say is just fake”, right? Why the hell do you think that I didn’t fight back when ash4fun suddenly pops up with that BS fakeclaim? It’s because -just like how I predicted that 4x4 will vote me without a second thought- I KNOW that I HAVE to be Today’s lynch. Because no matter what I do, no matter what I say, you guys will just deny them. To make matters worse, I have the ****** role that limits my reach, and cannot be proven because it’s a support ability. Then comes the fact that nobody is talking about the future D3, and then there are the matters about Kyo’s weird agenda of “lynch Cent, but let Cent vote Zone”. Ugh bloody hell, I should just talk about something else at this point, since nobody has said anything in the past 90 minutes or so. …actually, I have had it. I will just submit this… whatever this is, since it’s probably enough to be at least third place. Hopefully my story is also counted along with this submission though, considering that that story is literally bigger than this wallpost that I currently have. …actually, I will just add the wallpost inside the wallpost. This way they should at least not be counted as two separate wallposts. …or something.

Dystopian Story

An empty bottle got flung towards my face. I took a step to the side and heard the bottle shatter into pieces of shards. The man who threw the empty bottle slammed the door right in front of my nose and shouted: “GET OUT! I WANT NOTHING FROM YOU AND YOUR TRASH PRODUCTS!”

That man was the twenty-seventh customer today. Out of those twenty-seven meatheads, only four were willing to buy my products. It seems that today is no good either. Even after wandering around these slums for months, I still have yet to find some gullible sheep.

I started walking to the distribution center when I started coughing. Dark smog covers Theta City, making us gradually forget the radiance of the sun. Due to the overabundant number of factories in Theta City, most of its residents were forced to wear gas masks whenever they want to go outside. The only people who didn’t wear the masks were only those who could not afford to buy one; the ones from the slums; my customers.

Even though I am wearing a gas mask, its quality is honestly just garbage. But even this garbage was better than inhaling death directly from the rotten air.

As an outdoor seller, my job is rather quite demanding of me. Walk, offer, get denied, repeat. The products I am selling are nowhere near the dark territory, but it is exactly because they are not illegal that people were not interested enough to buy them.

An outdated memory card, kitchen knives, silver watches, holo-dices and some DD batteries. A bundle of niche items that few would need in their already poor lives.

In the end, the higher-ups are to blame for everything wrong in this rotten dumpster. Even though the world has been united for decades, the only thing they did was widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and then they just had to destroy the world on top of that.

At present, the only part of the world where you can see green leaves are within ‘the popular cities’ such as Alpha City and Gamma City. Theta City is small compared to those megalomaniac cities, so nobody would actually pay attention to this side of the world. Even so, with the way things are going right now, it is evident that the current state of the world is worse than that of two centuries ago.

Beta City is a good example of a collapsed city. Everyone in that city threw away their morals and lived their lives in corruption. It only took them one month before everyone died from the STD, liver failures, and overdose. I even heard that the place was nuked by Delta City. Given Delta City’s reputation of being a bunch of paranoids, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if they actually did annihilate Beta City to the ground.

When I finally reached the distribution center, I gave the female receptionist the receipts of the day and she in turn sent two points over to my phone. In the past, I had complained how two points were not enough for me to survive and yet there I was, selling garbage products on a daily basis to have enough meal to live.

I stepped on the escalators upstairs and exchanged one of my points immediately. The faster I get out of this facility, the fewer eyes there were to glare at me. The meal of the week is canned fish soup. Despite me hating my job, I cannot deny that there are some bright sides of this job. Fish are usually expensive on the market, but all meals from the distribution center are fresh and fair.

The one and only reason the facility are still running is because the higher-ups support our current system. How else could anyone explain the innumerable amount of security cameras, the super soldiers working on this facility, and the high-quality meals that are replenished every week?

I walked at my own pace towards my apartment, giving the bigger half of my attention to the plastic bag filled with my dinner. These canned foods were not for my family; they were for me. My parents had already died when I was born, and I did not have any siblings. I never liked to have any pets, and I kept distance with my acquaintances, calling them only when they owe me some favors.

Removing my gas mask and taking a deep breath was the first thing I did after entering my room, followed by taking a nice shower. The fact that I managed to hire an apartment with free air purifiers and bathroom is still something that bothers my mind every now and then. The apartment itself was also built very recently. Only two weeks ago, in fact. I suspect that the higher-ups had something to do with this arrangement due to my past actions, but… I decided to ignore the matter.

The only reason I didn’t bother delving in too deep on this matter is because I want to keep breathing without something covering my face …and the showers. Definitely the showers as well. Even though the water was not edible, they were clean enough to rinse my body from the city’s stench, and I could even clean my clothes!

Drying them was a problem though. Sunlight had not been an option for years, and laundromats were definitely a path to suicide with my current financial situation. So, I decided to dry my clothes by hanging them on a rope inside my room. As my room was usually warm all the time, this impromptu solution of mine was surprisingly not bad.

After taking a shower, I counted the canned soups. After confirming that none of them had been stolen, I opened one of them, put it on a bowl, and heated it up using the microwave. Thinking about it, my life did not change much from the past. There are no ‘true friends’ I could rely on anymore, but there is also nobody that could literally stab my rear either. If I add the fact that I am still able to live day by day with a slight bit of luxury despite getting junk thrown at me and sometimes pestered by my customers, then I think that I might even be happier now than I when I had to steal food from the distribution center.

The microwave pinged, indicating that my dinner was ready. I took a sip of my soup as I looked outside from my window. From where I stand, I could see nothing but the smog. It was evening, but the only sources of light were the street lamps that were not broken. Beneath those poles, I could see skinny children without their parents. Children whom I once fought for.

Theta City is dying, and nobody will ever save us. Words of grace are lies spouted by those in charge. The distribution center is either a botched attempt of salvation, or a city-scale game of life. We are just pawns waiting for our time to end, but even so… I had once decided to give up changing this society, so I will accept this reality and continue living this life until the moment I perish.

Dust is dancing in the air, and my ears are ringing. I think that a nearby room has been destroyed by the explosion. To think that I would be a victim of an explosion just when I was about to clean the dishes… rather, I can’t believe that anyone would attack Theta City using explosives. Had it been Delta City or Eta City, then they might be more common, but the residents of Theta City are mostly composed of the poor; not many people could afford buying or making explosives, and even if they are one of the 5% who could, then they shouldn’t have a reason to attack the slums.

I stand up and opened the door to the main hall. Fire was spreading through the apartment through the carpet. It appears that the room opposite to mine is the victim of this attack. I don’t know much about my neighbors, but I don’t remember anyone living in there… Was it a random attack then?

Bizarre thoughts started filling up my mind. The first possibility that first appeared was: “The higher-ups have finally lost it and started to destroy the slums for entertainment.” But in doing so, they would attract attention from other cities. After Beta City’s incident, the leaders of this world had spent all their resources to tackle down all crimes world-wide, and they were VERY thorough about it.

Having said that, what the leader of this continent actually did was focus on maintaining 12 of the 23 cities. With Beta City gone, their goal was to ‘purify’ half of the continent and maintaining it, while giving multiple healthcare facilities as ‘apology’ to the remaining 11 cities. The distribution center is an example of such facilities, with the other popular facilities being the public hospital, public school, public bank, and the underground prison.

If the higher-ups of Theta City were to suddenly go rogue, then the higher-ups of other cities will most certainly find out about it and punish them severely. Considering the pros and cons, the first possibility couldn’t have been the case.

The second possibility was that this is a terrorist attack. I had suspicions that this apartment was built on behalf of this city’s higher-ups, so this building represents themselves in a way. If the terrorists also think like I do, then they would have left the vicinity by now.

There is a third possibility, which is similar to the second possibility, but the odds of that happening is nil. The last time I saw ‘them’ was when they were sent to the underground prison.

As I was thinking about the possibilities, I look towards the room of my neighbor. The door had been blasted, and I can see the outside through the breached wall. The night is dark despite the street lamps, and the toxic air is flowing through. I didn’t take my gas mask with me, but I could see someone entering the room as clear as day despite the smog outside.

I recognize that person very well. My eyes widen the longer I look at the figure of the terrorist. No, she isn’t a terrorist. She is a rebel.

“Well, well, well! If it isn’t our lovely traitor Rose!”

Her red hair matches with the flames burning the room. She had cut her long hair short, but it is still beautiful as ever. Her once innocent smile is now filled with hatred towards me. I step back out of reflex; she has an assault rifle on her hand.

“How have you been? Are you eating well? Do you enjoy life now that you have cast your past… cast US aside!?”

I slammed the door shut and fell on the ground flat. Rain of bullets penetrated through the wooden door for a while before it stopped. I didn’t move. It took no longer than two seconds before the second volley was fired. It’s a tactic that I had taught her.

After the second volley, I ran towards my bed, took my gas mask, and exited through the window. My room is located on the first floor (EU) of the apartment, so I landed without having to break any bones. I hastily wore my gas mask and ran towards the streets.

How did she escape the underground prison? Although not comparable to the best prison in this continent, that place is still a prison not everyone could escape from. It has double the security compared to the distribution center, and the whole prison is encased in three meters thick lead walls. The air vents are too small for even a child to fit, and the connection to the sewers is only accessible from the outside. Plumbers would groan from the latter as it meant more work for them when they have to fix the pipes, but this shows just how secure the underground prison is.

I kept running and running, and even though I didn’t hear anyone chasing after me anymore, I kept running until I reach my destination.

…wow. This story really feels out of place compared to all the moody **** that I wrote up above.
Oh well. It was written around November last year, but I am undoubtedly the author of the story, so it should be fine anyways.

Here is my submission. I… don’t even know what the bloody hell I wrote, and I don’t even know what it is about. If I have to cheese my way out of this by forcing a topic, then it will be: “Zone’s thoughts of the past 100 minutes --or something like that.”
–oh wow, it actually has ~20k characters. Nice.

–apparently, it has 77 sidestory pages.

–oh, also: cheese said that I can only target two players above and below me on the playerlist… who are alive. In other words, I could’ve emp’ed math, Kyo and Centuries instead of 4x4.

This makes absolutely no sense
You have a redcheck on Zone?
Why would you ever vote myself over Zone, clearly if I’m scum then I’m lying and trying to push agenda to save Zone…

Which would make him mafia.

That logic doesn’t hold up. At all.

The information you gave about zone being lynchproof and that giving a redcheck to random person cannot be true.

I don’t know what reason you have to lie about that, but I struggle to find a pro-town reason that fits how you went about it.

You’re right that I know zone is scum and don’t know on you. For that reason I would favor a zone yeet over you today. But that is a while off; I don’t feel like I need to put him at L-1 right now.

Says the one who wants Cent to vote me despite wanting Cent dead himself.

I mean
You can lynch Zone and he dies if I’m lying about him being lynchproof
In which case I’ll die the next day
Isn’t that
Incredibly suicidal, and I’ve just proposed to lynch Zone anyway :upside_down_face: