[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Slight noise under the table

Here and now. (Been reading up on Leafia v Centuries so I think I have an idea of what has happened while I was gone.)

Ah… thank you for reading those.
Would you mind giving your general thoughts over those two?


“Getting to know each other”

Well certain parings on this meteor all just met each other for the first time
And you’re all very horny teenagers
So the only conceivable result will take place…

Send a message to the host, with some
Include who you want to be the recipeient.

To expedite the process, provide to me in your classcard a template “yes” answer and a template “no” answer.

do not send the message directly.

The sent messages will be publically revealed once the deadline passes.

Winning pair, with the best crossing messages, will be put in a neighborhood!

You have until 2020-07-07T19:30:00Z

what is this even

Dunno. Currently trying to find out what it does.

two things you need to do
FYI you can send infinite messages
have fun

Hmm, overall I think the case of Leafia is a little difficult to determine exactly. I would push on their seat or wait for Kyo to determine an outcome. (Whether or not Kyo is trustable on their conclusion is a different matter here.)

Regarding Centuries… well, I think it’s currently leaning towards town (due to reasons both Leafia and Kyo have stated.)

…to be more concise
because ppl are confused

…seduce another player

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Oh… I get what you’re trying to do.
…this will be difficult for a socially inept person like me though.

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Kyo’s results will arrive late, as he’d have to have seen everyone talk. Do you want to pressure Leafia by voting her?


why do you trust kyo on the matter of me vs leafia

I guess.

/vote Leafia


Well… I don’t exactly trust them yet.


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Zone_Q11, Centuries, mathmods 3/6
Centuries Leafia 1/6

yell at me if mistakes

No. It’s lynching Centuries or the host right now. Believe me, with how powerful my role is, town doesn’t want me dead.

…Leafia, I didn’t think it was actually this easy to get a vote on you. I apologize for thinking it would be a more difficult to get a vote on you.

I am new to FoL, so I might be making a mistake by thinking this is a good idea. (Especially now that I see this.)






are you

saying that

Is saying their role is powerful enough?