[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Leafia has TMI’d Centuries town if they’re scum
Leaving this here if they flip scum later

I don’t think it’d auto-clear Centuries but it’s a decent look for them

Not exactly. I only said I had a slight scumlean gutread on you and your reaction was to basically attack my slot. You’re the one OMGUSing here and I OMGUS regardless of alignment.

Okay, I’m dropping this anyway, it’s not solving anything

Let’s see what Leafia is first

what in the frick are you doing

Auto clearing the second scummiest person on the two threads. It’s like you have TMI that Centuries is town if he is.

so what

This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever

Leafia you’ve literally just tried to say you aren’t OMGUSing, then claiming Centuries is OMGUSing, and you’ve tried to justify your OMGUS by saying you do it regardless of alignment
If the last part is true, link me a conversation in DG where you OMGUS’d

Leafia: “I am not OMGUSing, you are OMGUSing, and me OMGUSing isn’t AI”

I have no idea what you’re doing

Also I’m just going to re-quote this before it gets drowned out by the thread

To the people calling Leafia town

Can you explain why

Doesn’t make sense to me

I don’t think I did it there if I recall correctly and having a slight scumlean on someone isn’t the same as declaring that they have a 100% chance of being evil.

can you link me any game off-site where you’ve omgus’d as town, Leafia

Most of them are on Discord and besides, don’t you remember Seth saying I did it regardless of alignment early in Insurgency? Besides, it’s far too early to be saying someone is town or scum for certain.

I saw this post, and I gotta say this: I have played with Leafia befire, and from what I understand, her playing as a LAMIST is NAI.

I am not defending her, and I certainly wouldn’t mind a PL on her.

Which Discord? I’ll happily take a look, Leafia.

I will admit that this is a decent look for Centuries at least.

The Pro Mafia server run by Seth. Most of them are on there.