Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Then don’t claim they’re in the towncore

they’re in my towncore

Also hiding reasons for read is very pro-town

can you answer my actual question please

You didn’t ask any question


*reads on yourself do not count

I am locktown dunno about other 4

Self meta is very based

well see the thing is, you would say that you are definitely town regardless of whether you actually are

> @eevee-sama has replaced out. Do not discuss replacements. @DatBird would you like to replace in?

That’s why we use self meta to prove it

Votecount [2.4]

Italy - 2 - Derps, Wazza
SirDerpsALot - 1 - Ami
Mist1422 - 3 - sulit, N.1, Arete


I probably would, but the lack of confidence still hurts my pride. :frowning:

That… will be difficult, considering PMs.

> I mean in the sense of angleshooting allignment based on said DMs.

Oh. Look @sulit, you didn’t have to do it after all!

/vote Mist1422

I don’t care what you did today; I want you dead again for yesterday.

Oh. That one is normal. I can do that.

I can at least understand you.