Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Votecount [6.3]

SirDerpsAlot - 3 - Italy, Zone_Q11, PoisonedSquid
Italy - 2 - SirDerpsAlot, Possessed

Because nobody has been paying attention

True, true

inb4 derps and i are both town and we just got memed

Hmā€¦ Too much to process.
All thatā€™s left isā€¦ Dat, and that thing.
To kill Derps or not to kill Derps?
ā€¦honestly, I kinda want to kill Dat for not voting until now, butā€¦

Hm? @Italy, if Squidā€™s a wagoning scum, then why do we not pressure her?

Iā€™m good with lynching not me

obviously you want to pressure scum but derps is most likely to flip scum from what i see

He might flip scum, but is he then scum were looking for? I doubt it based on lack of support.

I know Iā€™m not good with getting lynched, thatā€™s for damn sure

I may be useless, but if I get lynched here, weā€™re fucked

How much time is left?

2-3 hours

Hmmmā€¦ To be honest, I have a theory that might explain what the Manticore does. Iā€™m not 100% sure on it, but that might Derpsā€™ lack of transparency.

Itā€™s probabaly because youā€™re on a team with iy

@Icibalus VC

Nvm lol theirs one like 8 posts up oops

@DatBird vote Italy, you know Iā€™m twon

Bish, if I was on a team with it, then I wouldnā€™t be talking about it.

I have a feeling that when you were bitten by the manticore, you got converted. Iā€™ve no idea what you converted into, but that might explain why you said that nothing happened to you

Also, if this is a multiball and the Manticore is part of the Mafia, then from what youā€™ve been saying, three people (including the Manticore) are Mafia which wouldnā€™t make sense since this is most likely a multiball with the Cult

My blood was blue for a day then it went to normal thatā€™s about all I have

But what does that even mean? This is a game where anything can happen and just being told your blood changed color doesnā€™t sound like something Ici would have planned