Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

except y’all still ignored the fact I died, predicted my own death and all that?

You died because I needed someone against me silenced before the wagon could start snowballing

btw marshal’s post restriction was decided before the game began, so that thread just happened to coincide with something that would make him do more post restrictrions

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To be fair, my mind was close to changing on you until I actually did die.

that one was liar? technically I never actually said anything untrue as such in that game.

Your death removed the existence of healers so have at you

no wait the knife’s mechanics count
oh well

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Possessed was a healer

I mean you predicting your death doesn really make you more right on italy

healer or protective

also was I vanilla town or was there actually something else to that role

anyway as i was saying the next bastard game I make will be rolemadness
so that should be Fun™ if I get it right, because in terms of balance I’d count this game as a success

I made a lot of mistakes this game but I don’t think ‘not treating “because they lied lol” with no elaboration as a substantive case on someone’ was one of them

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Almost no one here ever listens to the opinions of the dead. Its fine


nah you were VT

if his target was attacked they would instead be injured

and also he could heal injuries

setup reviews welcome when you have the time, i think seeing how the experimental stuff turned out would be helpful for me

at what points did you actually outright lie or do something bastard

everyone knows that wolves intentionally kill players who are wrong about everything in order to give villagers a chance

Also btw.

Me calling my own death was a complete accident lol.