Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Hypixel game 41

Hold on, really?

Yes, doesn’t change the fact he’s scum.

gets out of chair i have made the argument “why would this exist” 3 times in forum mafia, and i have been disproved every single time
i must go rethink my life choices


When killed it only “pretended” to be dead for 2 nights and came back to life afterwards.
Flip being cleaned on first death.

It was a town role.

So basicly self-revive after 2 nights.

i have concluded that my life choices were poor

Good to know thank you Italy

:clap:Claiming :clap: Day :clap: 1 :clap: is :clap: trash :clap:

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I claim-

Imagine a game where italy doesn’t claim D1 omegalul

I claim a harpy, come Somali, let’s get into a dark cave, just us two :^)

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Only if you bring the wagon


i mean, i wanted you to avoid speaking the forbidden one’s name

You mean Man-


The manticore?

Somali, make us a chat while I change my avatar

I speak the truth and you know it

Derps I will hurt you