Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

That’s because you didn’t give any good reasons

Exactly in this game what flaw do I have in doubting Arete’s argument?

Hja you are right now refusing to accept you’re wrong. You are proving my point

Slank cover for 20 hours hav fun nerds


you are wrong but I am not gonna argue because never accept you’re wrong

How am I wrong here?

see you are proving my point you can’t accept you are wrong

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That could not have come at a worse time ngl

Name one time you accepted you were wrong.
And quote it.

I won’t go digging games when I haven’t played for long time already

Say why my reasoning here is wrong if you believe it

What are you, eight? “I can prove you wrong, but I won’t”

I can’t let my 10 dates to winter formal down squiddo

I do have like 5 minutes tho

Emilia is using the defense that children use when they’re proven wrong.

70% of this forum is underage

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Yes because I would have to put effort into looking through games Wich is very unfun

Plus you are the one who is doing “I can prove you wrong, but I won’t”
Because you still haven’t answered why my reasoning here is flawed

Alright, then I want you to answer this. What was the point of creating a chat that included everyone except Arete?

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It was funny

The defense you use when I ask you how my reasoning is flawed

That’s it? You did just because you thought it would make a good laugh?

You have NEVER accepted when you were wrong.
