Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

cause that’s my role


Can ALL confirm I am Noble.



no, sorry

cant confirm

i trust your claim over ami’s atm, but i can’t confirm jack


anyways at first when you were claiming normalish SK I was fine with keeping you alive temporarily on a leash to get rid of scummy people

then when Mist didn’t die I told eevee (also a couple other people but eevee being the most relevant one), who suggested it was possible that you and Mist were partners, I talked to a couple people who thought resolving Mist was a good idea, and he was also super wolfy

also I told someone to protect Derps last night when we had 0 deaths, which kinda pointed to the possibility that you were actually groupscum and that there wasn’t an NK at all, also Mist got added to the message where I said to protect Derps and he seemed slightly annoyed in a way that felt partner-y

anyways then you claimed suicidal arsonist, which is like the world’s fakest sounding role, so I thought you were probably just groupscum, and in the event that you were actually telling the truth I wanted you dead before you could douse any more of my towncore, and then you were threatening to ignite so I figured masspinging the game was less risky than just messaging people privately which is what I’d been doing before


who did I end up telling you to kill night 1

mist iirc
but like lol no KP

who killed simon then>


probably the mafia

Arete, discord, now.

Please don’t get me killed
If I had something valuable to say about last night, I would have said it already

Seems I have to do this here since our PM was destroyed

I am a sweetheart I swear.


I mean, I trust you more than some other people here