Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

LAMIST means “Look at me, i’m so town” so kinda yes

Derps, looking at a butterfly labelled ‘two people tunnelling each other’: ‘is this a W/W interaction?’

Also Italy passed my reactiontest so he’s probably town

Why is telling everyone How town I am bad?

I don’t do that, this just feels W/W


Because that’s exactly what a wolf would do

It’s W/W or T/T.

rubs hands
I can see the pointless conversation coming from at least one scum. It doesn’t contribute to anything and it’s clogging up thread space

Only wolves tell everyone to look why they are town?

Why can’t it be T/W

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Dosent feel like it

I pray to the heavens one of us dies tonight so I don’t have to put up with arguing against a brick wall

Makes sense 100% true


/Vote Emilia

I’m honestly just done with emilia’s shit they are a threat to my mental health

Can’t even say why you think I am wrong

/vote Italy

AtE bad

Look at every single game i’ve ever played with emilia
Now give me one where I didn’t try to strangle them or at the very least didn’t argue with them for half an hour

No I don’t think I will