Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Lol that was me making a joke about my claim to zone which you didn’t know about, and again you clinging to my flavor is stupid

you didn’t try to deny any evidence against you

You didn’t make any arguments

:thinking: Hmmmmmm

You’re not providing much evidence for your claims. Right now, you’re reminding me of how Emilia was acting in FoL 26 (Yes, we can talk about it now)

I’m not Emilia lol

In fact, you never did the thing I asked you to do. I explained why I couldn’t scroll back in the thread, but you went silent on the request

You’re acting like her though and that’s what’s ticking me off

I didn’t read it so dunno how she acted

I still don’t like how Italy and squid are interacting

They aren’t really

Like they have similar points and ideas but have no real interaction with each other, a few times they are both here and I leave and they both just stop.

@DatBird @Possessed does that make any sense

I feel like you might be trying to hard to appeal to me right now. That’s not a normal Derps move.

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So because the both stopped talking and both agree on points about you, they are immediately scum buds? Like im not really seeing the connection. Im more interested in your Italy read more right now can you expand upon that?

I’m dealing with extra credit work for one of my classes

I’m trying to be better and I don’t wanna get lynched so

With the amount of people left, the way their interacting just dosent feel right to me.

I’ll elaborate on the Italy read more when I can but between classes and football and work it might not come today

But how does it feel wrong? You need reasoning behind your statements or you’re not going to go anywhere with it

I just gave reasoning like two messages ago

Also I’m almost certain dat is town, so that leaves 4 options for scum. Italy, poss, squid, and Zone.

I belive zones claim, I town lean POss

So in a way it’s also a PoE

This was from two messages ago