Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

> Possessed has died. They were a INQUISITOR

> A few days after Possesedā€™s death, the bridge was complete. His body was found next to 2 others. PoisonedSquid, a helpless DRUNK, and ZoneQ11, a MEDIUM from another town. But why were they killed?

> Back in Salem, @Italy strokes The Manticoreā€™sā€¦ olifactory orifice. They have succeeded, clearly the goal of a POACHER, an agent of the Mafia. They have fed their adorable pet. And there is no evidence that could touch the two, since somebody with police connections, namely @DatBird had obliterated them using their contacts as a CONSIGLIERE

The Mafia have won the game!

gg wolves


italy is the ultimate powerwolf

Damnit Derps

Top tier @Arete playz

I actually used my big brain for onceā€¦ But I was the only one that did :^)

i was a two shot roleblockoccupyfliptailor but i was fucking illiterate and wasted them


if thereā€™s anything this game has taught me
itā€™s that i canā€™t read

I canā€™t even really be mad though. I voted Derpsā€¦sigh

Dude u had me so scared man

> Spreadsheet:

> Modrant pending.

eevee is town trust me lul

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Iā€™m disappointed that there was nothing else to me but being too drunk to do anything. I thought I had the chance to be lost wolf, butā€¦ hngghh

My class was so lame

okay finally i can laugh at the SHEER FUCKING HUBRIS of the Everybody But Arete chat

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I did, and then Derps said he was mafia so :man_shrugging:

donā€™t worry a theoretical sequel game will be rolemadness

I had derps and zone rolecopped. There was a chance they would learn they were targeted depending on my rumor.