Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16


Arete, give me MOAR spice than “I agree with eevee, but I like Italy anyway”.

Like… that’s hardly spicy enough for a pudding, not to mention a good bloody steak.

Was challenging Marshal to a duel insufficiently spicy

Arete vs Marshal duel sounds stale as 2-weeks old bread.

If you didn’t guess yet, I’m hungry rn.

I’m going to do it

I will do it Arete

Do what

Boom pow

Okay sulit, I’m gonna ban you if you change avatar again.


You reminded me there is new Somali episode, I watched it and it was damn sad.


You deserve it

Okay, here’s a question. @eevee-sama

Two players, Feanaro and Nerdanel. Feanaro messages Nerdanel claiming to be a lost wolf with a N0 peek on Nerdanel as scum. Nerdanel denies being a wolf, but follows up (after commenting about the possibility of Nerdanel being an insane cop) by asking Feanaro if their peek was random and assigned to them, or if Feanaro chose who to investigate.

What does this say about the alignment of Nerdanel, in your opinion?

I shed a single manly tear due to your avatar.
Making mods cry is punishable ofense.

So don’t change avatar.


Yes, Arete, I see you, let me think for a moment.


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No Arete

You’re not getting out of this one

I see your schemes