Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

I confirm that this chat exists and that the more person said the thing

Again this thing has kinda settled by now and im not trying to provoke it but i want to maintain the sanctity of the wall

I mean. I get why they’re annoying to you and all. but to be fair. she somewhat has a point.
you still havent really tried to prove her wrong this game

and dont get me wrong, i get how thats evading the question and not even the point of it, i get it, really. Its just that once you do that if she still evades, you’ve solidified yourself into the figurative high ground. like just, format a semi large response, i’d read over it for you to see any quick retorts they might give and other kinks that you could prepare a response to, then post it and see how they respond. If they respond with anything other than admitting they’re wrong or another valid argument (includes no response after a significant period of time) then it provides an example of them not admitting defeat, and if nothing else, succinctly puts the burden of proof onto them for proving they dont always avoid saying they’re wrong, which would force them to find/quote an example, as you’ve been asking for.

i believe this should be an actual fight. as in, not a normal fm gladiate. whether in rp form or another i am unsure, but it seems that it will occur tomorrow at dawn, and in that moment the most likely outcome is that one of them will end up dead, one wont, and the day will continue from there

Tfw you have worked hard to gain a reputation as one who is real good at understanding/figuring out mechanics, even/especially in closed/bastard setups,
and they go to eevee

not every time you speak its name. only its rumor count goes up each time. each rumor does not increment abilities, that is simply not how rumors work.
there are tiers, based on most to least rumors
if what your saying is correct, then The Thing™ was designed to gain many rumors from people talking about it and discussing it, as a thing of fascination.

just because anything could happen
doesnt mean anything will happen
the host themselves is a figure one can work around, to make assumptions.

is zone a neut?

one of you was butter, and one was margarine

no. and i shall refuse to speak further on the matter, Im afraid.

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Simon did you offer the deal to anyone else?

As ive said, I shall refuse to speak on the matter.

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I need a yes or no feel free to answer in the pm

Ah, you see, the thing is,
you shall get neither

Dunno. Maybe? If BD is uninformed majority… then yeah. Apparently I am one.

What if I said I already know the answer


I would believe it, and ask you not to say anything publicly

i will confirm/deny that if you ask in the pm

What’s your wincon (paraphrased)

actually, on second thought. dont believe you. you dont already know the answer

I don’t think there’s an Osomatsu-san version of Romeo and Juliet, so I’m just gonna keep this pfp

Basically the same as BD.

I do :slight_smile:

Anyone wanna know what he proposed to me guys

Under the moonlight?

/vote Arete

I still will do it