Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Hail Neptune!

no not yet boomer

I am a tool
A channel

A bringer the the beginning of the end of the reign of darkness

With the power of @SirDerpsAlot and Neptune coursing through me I perform the ceremony you see before you today.

O how the waters cleanse the well-being of my soul. May Neptune wash over my body with the waters that whistle from the heavens. Cleanse me, oh Neptune, for you are holy in this temple and may this prayer provide Rome plentifully. Cleanse my spirit, for it is dirty with the weight of evil and pain, so I remain pure in the eyes of the gods. Wash me anew and give me a new power to walk dignified with your will. O how your mercy never fails and how your love never gives up. Your glory cannot compare the glory of anyone else who walks among the plains of the earth. You are the one who will wash all evil in my heart and my thoughts. You will be the one who provides food to the hungry and hopes to the sorrow. I am now cleansed in the name of Neptune, son of Saturn and Ops, and brother of the great god Jupiter.

Audi, Neptunia proles, princeps altum maris,

Cui liquidam begirts in solidum capacitatem humus,

Qui in fundo principalis de profundo nimio:

Bosomā€™d, profunda et tenebrosa, holdā€™st terebrare cauas regnum tuum;

Awful manu tua Ʀrea emota tridenti iuga,

Et Oceanum extrema iubebo, tuum erit, adorat;

Te invoco, qui dividunt spumam super equis,

Ex quarum capilli sunt vento inpendente uerrentes abiegnis aequora palmis;

Voce magna conditum thro 'abyssi

Coget omnes fluctus et unda fluens

Quo ferocius adequitare thro 'ferventis maris

Laboravi clamans raucae factae sunt mandatum tuum tremens fluctus ejus intellexerunt.

Terra tremebat, Deus tenebris flava excutitur, emittendus est liquor campis

(Tertia pars); statuit fati series mobilis ad te,

Tu licet, cƦrulian sine perturbatione sunt aliquet

Atque haec omina firma novercae monstra manu ludere ad Oceanum,

Adfirmare ex terra est: et ventis submersasque obrue

Notas puppes et ampla tumet uela

Addere gentle pacem, et juxta Salutem pulchra flava excutitur:

Et effundam sine reprehensione in abundantia vado.

With the ritual now complete, I call upon neptune and the strength of my acolyte

I banish @arete to the depths of the seas, never to be seen again!

May our lord be pleased with this offering and reward us beyond our wildest dreams


Oh well


If thatā€™s a vig or something lynch Marshal


Hail Neptune!

Body to similar oop

Marshal is basically always scum here


sulit is usually town

Ici hasnā€™t said we have to

Idk whatā€™s going on but

we literally went over this 3 times derps

Iā€™m tired

Iā€™ve heard two non-Zone neut claims

Ami knows who both of them are

Oh thatā€™s what it does

Okay marshal is bad at explain

honestly the most important thing here is to lynch Marshal

heā€™s a wolf