Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

Why are you sure about That?

It does say that, but it also said: “Conveniently, those threats are also BD’s threats.”

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It’s in the OP, isn’t it?

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Here we go.

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…hm. If there is a Sellsword, then that person should want me dead as well. Otherwise my wincon wouldn’t tell me that all BD’s threats are also Town’s threats. So… no Sellsword it is then.

…sigh. In other words, all Mafia and Unseen wants me dead as well. “How fun…” orz

The post that destroyed the ‘Everyone but Arete’ PM referenced a “Dark God”. Could that be a reference to the Cult?

It was hja and we all know it was hja.

Wait what

the PM was destroyed?


I thought you just all decided to stop being jerks about it :upside_down_face:

Didn’t Italy say we couldn’t lynch the Manticore or was it just saying its name.

Lemme get what it says


> A rythmn pulses through the little cobbled together hole of conversation this chat represents. All 15 of you hear it in your bones. You hear it together. It’s forming words now. No, wait, it isn’t!

> …threadgmaskenthusipontregal

> This corner of reality is snapped into pieces. A Dark God is dancing in the ashes of this conversation. At least, you think so. The memories are fading very quickly now.

> You may no longer talk in this DM. At all. Ever. Anybody who tries will be Cursed or worse. It may be worth it to lock this accursed thread before it’s too late.

can Mist still be scum

You can’t say its name at all or it gains rumor level.
Also it’s self reviving so good going :+1:

So if it was self reviving when would it revive


and I’m waiting on another player for possibly-relevant Mist-related info


also is there logs

I have no info on that. I just know it returns.
It could have conditions, it could take a long time or little time, hell, we might’ve already stopped it