Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

i wouldn’t have known if it was because of how little of day 1 in this thread I saw

but thanks

do you know italy’s most recent town game where they were alive at the end and won? @Arete

My ghost vote is on N. 1

Is there a reason you keep trying to claim that you’re dead

Yes I am weird version of tree stump


the closest thing I can think of is Blood on the Forums although obviously they were technically dead

For the purposes of that question, non-flipped players are considered alive.
So thanks

I’m not sure if Italy has ever been all three of ‘town,’ ‘alive at the end of the game,’ and ‘on the winning team’

i’ll just use botf

I am non-flipped dead

anyone knows if italy ever plays any games on other sites?

Yes but they’re Italian

he’s played a few text games on the BotC Discord but other than that no (and all of them are long-deleted from the archive)


Also I remember that it wasn’t even reason you lost there

off the top of my head he was also town in Danganronpa (died D1, game was canned), SFoL 53 (died N3ish, lost), GI V2 1/SFoL 56 (died N3ish, lost), GI V2 2/SFoL 58 (died N3ish, lost), and the first few days of Clash of Cults (was converted N4ish, subsequently died, town won but he lost)


Italy has really bad luck not going to lie

It was partly that
I guess a bigger reason was that I went inactive through EoD2 when I could have (and know i would have) shifted the thunderdome back the other way if I had come back online in time

The reason was because you didn’t give a good defense to vulgard read