Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

How did wind get in here? Who forgot to close the window?

> clearly this is the dastardly work of whoever blew up the bridge.

Hi zone

Im not sure why Iā€™m so bad but ok

I have 3 min

Iā€™ve yet to view Italyā€™s ISO in this game, but what I have to say comparing his ISO in BOTCTB to his ISO in DEUSEX3 is that in the former, nearly every post contributed to the gamestate in townā€™s favor in some way, while in the later, almost none did (it was like he was even trying to waste space at times).

Italy really likes BotC and a moderror led him to be revived and die twice in DEUS EX, so I donā€™t blame him too much, but even long before this error in Deus Ex, all of his posts were utterly wasteful. They were the complete antitheses of each other

also @Italy youā€™re wrong.
Anyone can be meta read if you have the time to put in the effort. In FM, itā€™s impossible to make yourself immune to that strategy no matter how good you are.

Die three times, actually.

ah wow

also im done trying to copy paste ISOā€™s like I did before (as in marson) lol.
What a collosal and pointless waste of time

this gameā€™s ISO is definitely a mix of both from italy so far.
To be fair, BotC is probably a unique kind of thing since itā€™s flipless and based entirely on public information. This game everything is kept private so sometimeā€™s itā€™s harder to tell the difference between purposefully wasteful posts and secretly reaction and read-gathering posts.

idk, is there any other aspect of the analysis youā€™re looking for? @Arete

I mean ideally youā€™d be trying to actually solve the game rather than produce an analysis that will make me happy

do you have any sort of conclusion on Italyā€™s alignment


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Definitely scum leaning, although not by too much

What i mean is that their ISO this game is definitely more similar in overall value of posts to Deus Ex than BotF

I would not be opposed to a lynch on them today, although I should also probably meta analyze mist and emilia as well today.

yeah okay youā€™re a better player than this as town


letā€™s hang N