Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

> clearly this is the dastardly work of whoever blew up the bridge.

Hi zone

Im not sure why I’m so bad but ok

I have 3 min

I’ve yet to view Italy’s ISO in this game, but what I have to say comparing his ISO in BOTCTB to his ISO in DEUSEX3 is that in the former, nearly every post contributed to the gamestate in town’s favor in some way, while in the later, almost none did (it was like he was even trying to waste space at times).

Italy really likes BotC and a moderror led him to be revived and die twice in DEUS EX, so I don’t blame him too much, but even long before this error in Deus Ex, all of his posts were utterly wasteful. They were the complete antitheses of each other

also @Italy you’re wrong.
Anyone can be meta read if you have the time to put in the effort. In FM, it’s impossible to make yourself immune to that strategy no matter how good you are.

Die three times, actually.

ah wow

also im done trying to copy paste ISO’s like I did before (as in marson) lol.
What a collosal and pointless waste of time

this game’s ISO is definitely a mix of both from italy so far.
To be fair, BotC is probably a unique kind of thing since it’s flipless and based entirely on public information. This game everything is kept private so sometime’s it’s harder to tell the difference between purposefully wasteful posts and secretly reaction and read-gathering posts.

idk, is there any other aspect of the analysis you’re looking for? @Arete

I mean ideally you’d be trying to actually solve the game rather than produce an analysis that will make me happy

do you have any sort of conclusion on Italy’s alignment


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Definitely scum leaning, although not by too much

What i mean is that their ISO this game is definitely more similar in overall value of posts to Deus Ex than BotF

I would not be opposed to a lynch on them today, although I should also probably meta analyze mist and emilia as well today.

yeah okay you’re a better player than this as town


let’s hang N

Arete what is this white knightery