Throne of Lies FM - Game Over (Mafia and Ritualist WIn)- 5/16

I wanted to try it out

I would have to guess like I did

I only have 10ish minutes left before a break is over :’)
I don’t want to be the only one probing things

/Vote Emilia

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Lynch N1 after I flip BD

He is as close as you can get to outed scum

It would appear that all 3 of zone’s lie are related to his wincon

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This is like ToS classic where random Person gets voted up All days and no one Says anything

Though I dont know if that ability worked or not

all three of these were lies? @Emilia
does this mean zone is scum

if you’re lying about this emilia i will punch your corpse because confirming him lying about his wincon would be somewhere similar to a redcheck

I feel like the Old God Cthulhu obliterating all chats with zone in them would make it clear that the ability went through

No I dont know if someone is lying So I have to guess neither did I get Feedback on if ability was used



I actually trust zone being Who he claimed

if zone lied about his wincon, and hja’s ability nuked chats for telling lies, then do we assume that zone is scum?

From this we know that

  • Zone’s wincon makes sense
  • He is not BD
  • His wincon is not to eliminate all threats to the town/BD

So I think we can conclude that Zone is neut or scum, or at the very least that Town is not what Zone says it is

'Twould appear that we are out of time.

Also I made up that ability about lies it doesnt exist So Good luck

My true class was alchemist- everyday I have 50% chance of auto drinking(decided by discobot in DMs) mega treestump potion it makes me immune to all actions( Expect attacks) but limits My vote to 3 however if I get killed/lynched while that I will lose My vote too but not vote (only in case I didnt Use one of 3 votes) So ping me when it’s Needed(Cuz I am not Going to read the thread after this)