Throne of Lies is at a Crossroads

Last game I played as old noble . I had 8 peoples claims + mine to the prince by the end of turn 2 . and a list of 4 people who where refusing to claim to a confirmed bd .

You guys all need to seriously chill out about the Noble. Jeez.

Just because Noble was nerfed (and made much more coherent) does not mean that ToL is suddenly “catering exclusively to new players”. First off, Private Matters is now a Psychic ability, and it’s still insanely powerful (in fact I’d say now Psychic needs a nerf). Secondarily, I have already been in talks over making the Noble more useful early-game, and we’ve discussed two potential solutions, either one of which could potentially be tested in the near future. This game gets massive updates like every week, one role getting nerfed now doesn’t mean it’s permanent! It’s ludacrous to throw criticism at the goals of i42 as a whole because a role you like was nerfed (and rightly so), especially since the Noble now actually has a higher skill cieling than before, and it’s likely to be raised further while bringing up the currently-low skill floor.

tl;dr suggesting fixes will get you a lot farther than complaining that BMG is “catering to noobs” when they clearly are not

Eh, the game is still in it’s younger stage. Maybe focus on getting as many players as we can now, so we can focus on the more “veteran, pro” stuff down in the line, when the game won’t get many players at all, but currently, if we focus on the veteran stuff, then shit might go wrong :stuck_out_tongue: my 2 cents

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Yes we need to keep the games going for Try-harders

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It is in no way more coherent, it it much harder to understand now

Train comes from the distance
Oh look it’s a train to a super cool town called Idiot-Vile!

I did not make this thread for it to become a debate about the New Noble, it was about the paths ToL could go on. Next post regarding the Noble will be flagged as off-topic

seems you were the first to go off topic

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I didn’t. Neclord did.