Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Aight but why

I mean Vulgard is prolly a GM so lynching him wonā€™t really help us much.

(unless hes scum buds with Marl)

I remember fire and ice mafia. :thinking: Vulgard always misslynches me

Just because you canā€™t read me I am a scum lean?

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The fact I mislynch you is actually the reason why I think youā€™re scum now.

You havenā€™t done anything really scummy yet which seems to be the case with you as town. If youā€™re not doing that, it makes me believe youā€™re trying much more not to slip - and thus youā€™re not town.

Does that sound reasonable?

Also are you saying Iā€™m a GM solely because I defended Marl?

It really doesnā€™t sound reasonable. You are saying since I donā€™t act scummy I am scum?

Iā€™ll admit, itā€™s a meta read. Some people donā€™t like them.

Before we lynch Vulgard we should look at the positive stuff and the negative stuff

Postive -
we could get scum
it doesnā€™t really hurt us to get GM

Negative -
Possibly killing a Gm which could not help BD.

when did it go that far


Vulgard explain why you want Marl alive so much?

I have made a large post explaining my defense of Marl.

Your pulling a me where I vote the people who vote someone else

Only 2 logical answere are hes GM or scumbuds with Marl

Or he genuinely thinks Marl is not scum

I sure did start a conversations

Please go on.

Okay, since you apparently didnā€™t read that post of mine, Iā€™ll TL;DR it.

My defense of Marl was a ruse tbh. I was trying to catch scum on the wagon. I didnā€™t catch scum, but I still got something.

Wait where I missed it

Post 319

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Alright thanks Iā€™ll bookmark that for post-flip analysis

Sure, you can do th-ā€¦ NANI?