Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

We need a vig?

@Htm i cant blackmail u if ur not online on discord :man_shrugging:

I agree but vigilantes arent vanilla enough for yā€™all



I mean it was actually pretty balanced until you added more roles, mostly neutral.

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I have decided that we lynch orange today
If the sheep could pls herd behind me thatā€™d be wonderful

Hm yet you donā€™t vote him?

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/vote marluxion

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/vote marl no u

/Vote Orange


Also sorry for not having vc. Just woke up okay

my vote has already been on orange


Donā€™t really think u guys are scum buds with each other

W u t did you just say

It only takes one vote?

orangeā€™s pushes have all been bad
albeit so have everyone elses
but orange has something the other players dont
The Burden of Proficiency

Yeah cuz who would vote up their scum bud unless they want to buss or make them look less sus :thinking:


tbf his push on Vulgard was good

/vote orange