Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Vulgard miscounted

I saw that edit.

No I didnā€™t miscount.

Orange still shouldā€™ve been hammered

He was on 4 votes - I put him to 7 - FKā€™s was the 8th and Max hammered

1.By max
2.We donā€™t talk about him being hammered.

w8 i am confu



And actually Mun itā€™d be nice if you said something AI so I can finally read you thanks

on here, does hammered mean stoned or something else?


Something AI not stupid :man_facepalming:

what does ai mean

Hammer is the last vote till the guy dies.

Alignment Indicative


um i dont know how to play

next time ill learn before joining

1 Like

What class are you
Start there

Inb4 ā€œKingā€

May I say something.
If he was in the mafia wouldnā€™t the other mafia tell him how to act ectā€¦

Right now heā€™s not acting like someone is telling him what to do.

i am lord

Ok so hes the Physician, heal me tonite for dank memez