Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Town: lets Marl lead

Also Town: loses

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Ikr itā€™s so confusing, almost as if thereā€™s a mayor role in the game

(Am I being too cynical)

Hereā€™s the thing

He could easily be scum but heā€™s active

With 6 scum in the game right now we have to gather everyone with input and try to lynch anything

Scum want to lynch NK, NK wants to lynch scum

Marl is the least town in that group and I admit it

I donā€™t like him too but I think thatā€™s because hes new.

inb4 turns out to be scum

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thanks htm

i guess

/Byebye Soul boi

This has to be one of the least interactive games Iā€™ve played on this site once I stopped forcing interaction


/vote Soulshade

This is not a sheep vote btw, I had my suspicions on him yesterday.

Same :slight_smile:
/vote soul

I actually hoped he would talk.

@CheesyKnives / @Pug I think hammerā€™s been reached


You guys are absolute memes

Soul was:

The Lord

Blue Dragon Support
Useful (Passive) - You do not have any abilities
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.


3 lords kek
all ded

and one more rite here: moi

also replacement needed for MtheJoker


Please excuse me while I stop reading this game :+1:

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@Pug @CheesyKnives is this game canned or something? Or is it just extended night?

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