Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

What’s the method?

You vote someone and say they are at L-1 and ask for a Defence when they aren’t at L-1

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10/10 would do every time.

@Pug did a king get crowned?

I think it’s like mayor and they can reveal whenever they want to.

Vampires are very OP. The can kill 4 people for every one vampire. And they start off with 3. And then 1 convert tonight. If we have vampires we have to eliminate them quick!

I honestly thought of how bad king can be.

“I’m king but I won’t reveal myself healers on me”

Only one vampire can kill during a night.

They can’t use the ability at the same time.



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…. What?

Hello squid!

Please join us in the voting process.

Yeah but they can get 2 kills per night. And then convert every other night. So like 3 vampires. Dracula converts a lord. 4 vampires. 1 vampire eradicates 2 people. Next vampire gets sacrificed and then on the next night they convert and repeat while the vampires kill 2 people per night.

@pUG cough nerf cough.

my new meme nickname for Pug is pUG

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thank you litten

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/vote Celeste cause I have nothing else to do

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You said you have 2 PL’s who are they?

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Memesky and pUG

pUG is low tier though, for now

Hey lets get somewhere shall we.

/Vote Celeste
