Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Woah who dis

I only go on roleplayin and this is my first forum match

New person to FM

this good?

Well hello

Welcome to FM

Kind of an odd game to pick as your first, but I hope you have fun. Just donā€™t let people know if you are evil, and try to find the evils if you are good. :+1:

Wait are you scumā€¦

That looks good to me

Mafia the game not Mafia the role

Would be pretty funny if he posted a link to ā€œhow to be good at being evilā€ though


I picked this cos cheesy knows me irl and hes cohost

ez Jester win


Ah I see

Never was able to get any of my irl friends interested in FM.

Oh lul

Yeah @Munstrish that guide you picked is actually really good in general

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Thereā€™s an even better one we use on this site though:



But you canā€™t use it here because thereā€™s no PKR.

replace PKR with Memesky instead

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rip pkr

Why would dat be smart :thinking: