Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

lmao. Logic over emotion is indicative of not being a trash player.

lol what

Vulgardā€™s defense has been awful. Trying to claim he purposefully hard-defended Marl to ā€œbaitā€ scum onto him makes 0 sense. If you overly defend someone with inadequate defense you arenā€™t ā€œbaitingā€ anyone you are just coming across as scummy and asking town to vote you.

Also I am going to flip BD, itā€™s really confusing when I flip BD to lynch Hippo for no reason.

Yh where did that jump come from, me and Htm have had 0 interactions lol.

Itā€™s quite interesting for you to use town instead of BDā€¦ I find it kind of an indication that ur not BD but maybe Iā€™m wrong

Why is everyone misreading what I am saying?

WKing Marl was meant to help me sort out who is scum on that wagon, not make people vote me and then sort them out.

I wasnā€™t even on Marls wagon tho so once again your logic makes no sense. I was only on your wagon.

Are you deliberately ignoring my actions at this point?

The reason I read you as scum has absolutely nothing to do with Marlā€™s wagon.

I have already admitted my WKing was interrupted and didnā€™t go through to the end. The only thing I inferred from it when it comes to Marlā€™s wagon was a strong read Iā€™m not revealing.

You also knew what the vampire class isā€¦

Vampire trying to frame me found?

You literally just said that me and orange were the scum on your wagon, so you are clearly inferring more than one thing.

Iā€™m inferring that from the wagon on me, not on Marl, and thus it has nothing to do with my WKing.


Okay fuck it, if thatā€™s what it takes, so be it.

1.Town is easier to say than BD
2.Just cause I can read doesnā€™t make me scum.

You are making 0 sense and I refuse to believe you are town.

What interaction makes you think Hippo and Orange are scum buds, did they seem to defend eachother or did they vote the same people?


BD is 2 letters

Town is 4 letters so technically BD should be easier to type and more quickly

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Probably because I voted Vul after orange did, but Vul has yet to say why that actually makes me scummy.

No BD is harder to type because of auto correct.