Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

So congrats. Ur accusation is that i care about what games I joined so I must be scum.

Care to go on?

What are you talking about???

What you talking about?

(i like the fact me vs Hippo and htm vs FK are going on separately and uninterrupted)


Uhh you quickedited but sure

No proof

read: busy packing

ā€œnaked votes are scummy herpā€

A) That is not true.
B) I literally put my justification for voting you in the post immediately after I voted you.

ā€œoddly absentā€

I was absent for like 10 hours because I had things to do, but I had voted Sam before that anyway/

If I was scum I would have just jumped on the Marl wagon which had more votes at the time if I was looking for an easy mislynch. You are still pretty safe from being lynched rn.

All of that convinces me that my vote is sticking.

Anyways Hippo just gonna say that htm is objectively scummier than Fire rn

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Itā€™s funny that youā€™re both defending yourselves at the same time.

Just saying. :smirk:


Not really but I can see the angle a bit

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Nah Iā€™m commenting on their discussion because I am trying to see which of them are scum. You arenā€™t though, as you are just trying to draw the lynch away from yourself and save your neck.

Hippo htm is scum he didnā€™t bring cake.

Your entire defense has made me 10x more confident in my vote.

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Anyways definitely have htm as topscum atm

D1 reads will always be D1 reads but heā€™s pretty up there lol

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I mean tbf you both look like scum buds but sure

Going after the same votes, defending each other, etc.


Why htm?

Who is you both?