Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

htm and fire if you could both please kindly shut the fuck up that would be much appreciated


Agreed or we policy lynch the two of you

htm is scum trying to get a townie lynched.

Like I said they are extremely manipulative creatures lions are

Prince can jail and exe me if you turn out town

But that’s bad when I flip town.

(Of course I would not support that cuz I am town and he will lose all hes executes)

I’m personally enjoying this back-and-forth.

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But what if you won’t?

(I seriously wanna stfu but FK keeps talking to me sooo)

scum first though so htm

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Tbf you 2 feel like 2 scum buds

you guys keep defending each other, voting the same people, etc.

I don’t think you guys have done anything differently, also feel free to check me pally/sheriff. I’d suggest to check FK

Hmm… silence interesting

(well I will stfu now)

Is it weird for me to think FK vs htm is TvT?



no u

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Confirmed town here

/vote vulgard


Sheep ur phys guys

Dang, I’m exposed.

I give up. My scumbuddy is Soul.

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Knew it!

/replace out

Have fun being in confirmed scum slot, backup

Is that serious?