Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

To be fair I could see a new player doing this and am unwilling to D1 lynch them for it atm

This ain’t Luxx kids :stuck_out_tongue:

Well that’s a bit of a double standard, isn’t it?

That is, in fact, the opposite of what he said.

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To be fair if I was TWTBAW I’d be Town

So I don’t think that’s his “point”

Moreso he seems to imply that incorrect D1 gutreads are somehow scummy if they are wrong which is just wrong itself idk

i’m just a little perplexed with this
it’s like a semi role madness with not that many posts at all, so why of all conflicts is it marl vs orange
there’s a disturbance in the force somewhere, which makes me think this isn’t TvT tbh

In that case Marl would be your scum but I think it’s too obvious of a power play to go for my throat immediately

Maybe they’re betting on conversion making up for the loss of Marl in a 1 to 1 trade but I kinda doubt it

Marl being scum is a lot worse than losing u lol

the attitude of marl being unreadable or better than anyone on this site is stupid and genuinely harmful
he’s literally just a normal dude
quite a good player, yes – but not leagues above everyone else as some people seem to imply


there’s an argument to be made like half of marl’s potency is that people literally fail to question his rationale for god knows what reason


That’s exactly why he’s so powerful most of the time though


holy shit. someone else understands my pain


I worship Marl

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When Marl is scum, it takes us forever to put em’ down cuz hes such a town oriented person. Orange? We lynch him if we have to.

If you deny that, its like denying the truth.

i guess i’m denying the truth then, fuck it

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Persona 4 themesong starts to play


and by the way it’s not marl’s fault literally at all
I don’t think it’s exactly NOT not something he’s aware but, but ofc he’s a great player too
but people need to quit sheeping him, and sheeping without purpose in general
it’s genuinely ruining things for the site when people play “”“ironically”"" with low effort

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Voted Voters Count/Majority
Orange Sam, Marl, Squid, Celeste 4/9
Celeste Squid 1/9
Marl Hippolytus, Memesky 2/9
Memesky MtheJoker 1/9
Hippolytus Vulgard 3/9
Sam Orange 1/9
htm orangeandblack5, Firekitten 2/9

How u like dat spread :wink:

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