Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

You being new is not the problem

You not contributing is the problem

Even poor contribution is contribution nonetheless and adds to the game in some way

What am I supposed to contribute? I donā€™t really know what to do here.

Try to find scum

In this setup, you do this mostly based on chat during the day periods

Whatever you think Mafia would say - pick up on it, point it out, etc.

Might be easy to say but youā€™ve already received a link to a very good article which explains that I think

oh yeahh
i thiunk i have it open somewhere
searches and finds it

when i say ā€œdonā€™t likeā€ i meant ā€œI think youā€™re scumā€


thatā€™s such a bad reaction

that is what i say the most: waaa

iā€™m just tryna read the mafiascum wiki


it basically had some things like ā€œdonā€™t be mean, be forcefulā€ and stuff like that

were you looking up tactics to not seem scummy as mafia :eyes: i dont think town need to be forceful at all

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UwU whatā€™s t h i s

I just got here, reading posts.


Townblock featuring:

Marl as The Accused
Hippo as The Accuser
Frostwolf as The Frosty
Squid as The Animal

Iā€™m comfortable with this townbloc even though any number of you could reasonably be scum

Donā€™t question my logic and letā€™s gamesolve