Throne of Salem (10/16) | Day 4: PoisonedPrince

Welcome to Throne of Salem. Hosted by Pug and cohosted by @CheesyKnives



Day/Night cycle is 72/24
Actions are done by class DM.
Mafia/Vampires will talk through a Forum DM

When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming in thread.


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
Executions end the Day


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


Blue Dragon

The King :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Royalty (Passive) - Once you have revealed yourself to the public, your votes will count as 3. You may not be healed once you have revealed.
Royal Word (Day) - You may reveal yourself as The King through the game master. - 1 use
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Convert Immune

The Lord

Blue Dragon Support
Useful (Passive) - You do not have any abilities
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Converts into the Associate or Vampire

The Paladin :shield:

Blue Dragon Killing
Test of Faith (Night) - If targeted player is a vampire, you will kill them. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Convert Immune

The Physician :shield:

Blue Dragon Protective
Heal (Night) - If targeted player is attacked, you may heal them, you may only target yourself once in a game. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Converts into the Disguiser or Vampire

The Prince :shield:

Blue Dragon Killing
Imprison (Day) - Targeted player will be imprisoned tonight, both of you may share two 1000 character messages directly to each other. Current imprisoned player will be immune to attacks and may not use abilities. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Execute your current prisoner, bypassing immunities. - 3 uses
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Convert Immune

The Sheriff :shield:

Blue Dragon Investigative
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Mafia. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to lynch every criminal and evildoer.

Convert Immune


The Associate

Mafia Support
Useful (Passive) - You do not have any abilities
Your goal is to kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.

Converted from The Lord or The Alchemist

The Disguiser :shield:

Mafia Deception
Defile (Night) - You will appear as targeted player’s class if you die. You will still appear as a member of the Mafia to the Sheriff though. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.

Converted from The Physician

The Godfather :shield:

Mafia Special
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you are killed within the first 3 nights your next in line will take your place as Godfather.
Striking Moustache (Passive) - Immune to death at night, additionally you will appear Not Suspicious to the Sheriff.
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Mafia version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Your goal is to kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.

The Mafioso :shield:

Mafia Killing
Assassinate (Night) - Kill targeted player.
Your goal is to kill anyone that will not submit to the Mafia.

Factioncap is 3.


The Dracula :shield:

Vampire Killing
Bite (Night) - Convert targeted player into a vampire if they are convertable. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown
Your goal is to convert everyone who would oppose you.

The Vampire :shield:

Vampire Killing
Exchange Blood (Day) - Exchange blood with target vampire, killing them tonight and giving you two uses of Suck Blood.
Suck Blood (Night) - Kill two targeted players. Only one vampire may use this each night. - 1 use
Your goal is to convert everyone who would oppose you.

Factioncap is 4.


The Alchemist

Neutral Benign
Stoneskin Potion (Night) - You will be immune to attacks tonight. - 4 uses
Your goal is to live until the end of the game

Converts into the Associate or Vampire

The Druid :shield:

Neutral Killing
Wall of Nature (Passive) - Immune to death at night.
Root Network (Passive) - Your attacks may not be prevented in any way.
Spreading Roots (Night) - Curl roots around a player’s room. If you target yourself, you will kill all currently rooted players. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to live to protect nature by killing all those who corrupt it.

Convert Immune

The Fool

Neutral Evil
Poor Fellow (Night) - If you are lynched at day, target player will die tonight, bypassing everything. You may only use this when you are dead - 1 use
Your goal is to get yourself lynched by any means necessary.

Convert Immune

The Guardian Mercenary

Neutral Benign
Failure (Passive) - If your target dies, you will become an Alchemist without any stoneskin potions.
Stand Guard (Night) - Heal your target from attacks tonight. This may also be used while dead. - 2 uses
Your goal is to keep your target alive until the end of the game. Your target is [x]

Converts into the Associate or Vampire

The Possessor :shield:

Neutral Killing
Driven (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Additionally, you will kill the Prince if you are imprisoned.
Possess (Night) - Targeted player will commit suicide. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to kill everyone who would oppose you.

Convert Immune

The Reaper :shield:

Neutral Killing
Consume Soul (Passive) - Every time you reap a player, you will gain a new ability. You start with what is presented here.
Drain (Night) - Reap the soul of targeted player if tonight is a full moon, killing them. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to kill everyone who would oppose you.

One Successful Reap:
(Replaces Drain) Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of targeted player, killing them. - Infinite uses

Two Successful Reaps:
Soul Barrier (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.

Three Successful Reaps:
Icy Touch (Day) - Your kill tonight will also kill any visitors to your victim. - 2 uses

Four Successful Reaps:
(Replaces Reap) Gathered Darkness (Night) - Reap the soul of targeted player, killing them bypassing all forms of protection. - Infinite uses

Convert Immune

The Scorned :shield:

Neutral Evil
Resolve (Passive) - If your target dies, you will turn into a Fool. Additionally you are immune to death at night.
Your goal is to get your target lynched at any cost. Your target is [x]

Convert Immune

The Sorcerer

Neutral Evil
Mage Armor (Passive) - You will survive the first attack made on you.
Magical Redirection (Night) - Select two targets, the first target will target the second. You will know the class of the player you control. You may select the same person twice. Your target will be alerted that a Sorcerer controlled them. - Infinite uses
Your goal is to survive to see the Blue Dragon lose the game.

Convert Immune

The Squire

Neutral Benign
Train (Night) - Become the class of targeted dead player, you may not become the Prince, King, another Squire or Sheriff. - 1 use
Your goal is to train as a class and complete that class’ goal.

Convert Immune

The Weredemon :shield:

Neutral Killing
Cloak of Mithras (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Additionally, every Full Moon. You will transform from a normal human into a Demon, allowing you to use your abilities.
Haemophilia (Night) - Kill two targeted players. - Infinite uses - May only be used on Full Moon.
Your goal is to kill everyone who would oppose you.

Convert Immune


Godfather / Dracula
Mafioso / Vampire
Lord / Vampire
Sheriff / Paladin
Neutral Killer
Neutral Non-Killer
Lord / Neutral Non-Killer


  1. Celeste
  2. MaximusPrime
  3. MtheJoker
  4. Firekitten - Died Night One - The Lord
  5. Memesky
  6. Sam17z
  7. PoisonedSquid - Died Night Three - The Prince
  8. orangeandblack5 - Executed Day One - The Lord
  9. :b:arluxion
  10. Frostwolf103
  11. htm
  12. Munstrish
  13. Hippolytus
  14. Vulgard - Died Night Two - The King
  15. Soulshade55r - Executed Day Two - The Lord
  16. Whammerist - Executed Day Three - The Lord

Day 2
Day 3



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Why u let alch get convo



As an ToS player this is going to be fun

So can mafia not kill once mafioso is dead


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Idk how it works here but in ToS gf and mafioso can vote who to kill, but Incase of a tie gf wins. If gf is dead Mafioso can just kill and same if mafioso is dead. And when they are both dead the oldest Mafia member becomes mafioso

the oldest convert becomes the mafioso

because it’s more interesting. and then we dont get d1 alch claims who have no skill.

Let me be sk pls thnx

Please add plague bearer

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Factions are imbalanced:

2 kills + 1 convert in 2 nights
1 kill + 1 convert in 2 nights

Has night immune
Does not have any immunities

Their’s hardcounter only finds mafia
Theirs hardcounter can kill them and end game n1

Starts with 2 people, so can’t lose d1
Starts with one person, so can lose d1


very tempted to multitable

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I’m probably just going to add another starting vampire.
cause why not.

I’m going to expand on vampires. now


Dont forget to tell us who was killed by what :wink:

oh yeah… we aren’t doing that lol

anyway. I am torturing myself by playing ToS rn