Timeline of Forum

No i was scorned and I was invited to a match where there happened to be a Streamer there. The thing is I didn’t even know there was a streamer there.

I basically won started accusing everyone of Being attacked + immune. Apparently the streamer was mastermind and that I got all the unseen with it when it was just random luck.

Yeah so can people fuck of with accusing me of that?

Honestly just drop it at this point.

I can’t convince people I’m innocent but I know I am.

Anyone who continues to bring it up is just honestly being rude.

Ask and you shall receive (in a couple days or so :wink:).


Added first Experimental FOL.

I added the Ace Attorney Apocalypse

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I want more people to know about this.

The No

you did

Time really flies, did it?

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why does this post have so many necromancers

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What’s with the Marl dies of the plague meme?


why does this post entire forum have so many necromancers


just added the Hjasik FM Blacklist.

yes I’m best necrobump


Can somebody update this with the events in late February, etc.?

I’d do it but homework first lol


January - Mafia
February - Mafia
March - Mafia
April - Mafia
May - Mafia
June - Mafia
July - Mafia
August - Mafia
September - Mafia
October - Mafia
November - Mafia
December - Mafia

Got it covered guys it’s a wrap here.

Wait, these forums are for something else???

yeah, [MISC] games
(on a sidenote, we really need to have a name for that type of game. its not roleplay, because we are our forum selves and (at least in magus games) we are allowed to use meta-knowledge, but its not fm because although we are given abilities all actions are pretty open-ended)

Not really :^)

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