Timesnatcher Rework


Unseen Support

Passive: Rewind - The assassin gains an additional use of 2 for 1 when you first become converted

Night Ability 1: Portal Network- Target Unseen’s abilities do not count as visiting tonight (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Fast Forward - If target player is bleeding or delayed then they will die immediately bypassing healing (2 uses)

Gives more counterplay to classes that don’t have them. Puts Timesnatcher more inline with the other Unseen Supports


I like it it’s second ability right now is just a copy of the Duchess.

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I like this idea. It’s powerful, but counterbalanced by the fact that if it is used to portal the assassin past a mercenary or a wine, then it would pretty clearly indicate to BD that there is a timesnatcher present.

Also, as an unlimited use ability, maybe it would be better balanced if it targeted only the assassin OR the MM, rather than both. This could be player choice or just set to assassin.


inb4 n1 2f1 becomes meta just in case

It should just make it not count as visiting. Bypassing visit prevention would be too much(though Frenzy should be changed so it affects the MM as well). It should also be single-target since it’s unlimited

This should just make it so all delayed actions will happen this night(includes delayed chronomancer attacks).

honestly not really. That only effects Merc and Prince. The non-visiting only effects Butler, Observer, Princess, Knight and Hunter (I know quite a few but most are from limited ability’s anyway)

Re-read your quote

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My main issue with it is that Frenzy is meant to be the occupation/visit prevention bypasser.

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Frenzy is the everything bypasser

Oh, didn’t notice that you changed it lul

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Yes but this would still detract from Frenzy’s niche, especially since it’s unlimited

Frenzy’s niche is extremely broad. It only encroaches on it in the sense that Knight does on Physician

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I modified it compared to what is in the game now to address that issue. Additional rather than a set to 1. Meaning if you haven’t already used it then it becomes 2

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Good idea, pretty freaking strong but more… coherent? than the current

Encouraging suicide plays for more kills is kinda bleh

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Just sinked in that timesnatcher is a bonus kill. Nerfed her ability’s to compensate (still more interesting than current timesnatcher)

Alright, but I still would prefer it if it just made target unseen’s actions not count as visiting.

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Inb4 multiple timesnatcher converts for 3+ uses of 2for1


It’s too weak

Remember how sellsword was the best convert because of the bonus kill? This is that but better and a BD convert to begin with