ToLFM - The Underworld

Arete: ‘eevee’s D1 CFD looks really bad in light of Mist’s flip’
Arete: ‘and this is exactly Dat’s wolf meta’
Arete: ‘and eevee/Dat’s actions don’t make sense with what eevee supposedly said he was going to do’
Arete: ‘but that slot is a villager’

im mad at myself

but didn’t eevee also make it look like he was modconfirmed v?

in a bastard game???

that’s kinda the only reason i v-read that slot

bad, i know

but i still don’t like it

so wait was the whole “spec slipped thing” totally fake

see I saw him attempting to consult smartbomb as an out-of-game advisor as coming from a town motivation

no that was real

fuckin eevee
turning our non-game chat into a game chat with the intent of using cursed knowledge
i should’ve handled that better

also he wasn’t even a spec
he was literally just some guy

arete did i scare you popping up in that chat like that


also the manticore is literally useless now

Does it count for parity?

it can’t vote
it can’t do anything
except die

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2/3 lol

the mindfuck worked

that was hilarious honestly

At some point I was gonna pretend to try to say a name and have it become random gibberish

anyway my design notes is that i wish i made this game rolemadness
that is all

yeah that’s fuckin right
mr. vanilla townie wishes he’d made the game rolemadness

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also zone wasted his abillity

what was Zone’s ability