ToLFM - The Underworld

Does DatBird not realise he could just hammer and win the game right now?

There is no maj

i do like maj but it’s hard to run with my schedule and timezone

Oh… nvm then.

But safe to assume he’ll snipe the vote near EoD at the latest.

I don’t think sniping will even be necessary tbh.

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wolves have got this one

Derps: ‘two people have flipped scum’

The entire rest of the village: ‘no only 1’


It’s probably because the OP hasn’t been updated yet lol.

lolvillage lolicibalus


Do ties rand?

They don’t according to OP.
first to receive that number of votes is exed.

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Really dumb move.

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He’s ded now

Dat is so frozen.

he’s having an argument with italy over when to vote in wolfchat

Did anyone think My ability was real

Isn’t game locked or something can prevent a kill?

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it’s 2v4 atm