ToS 2 - Coven Chat

day will start at a reasonable hour now :stuck_out_tongue:

Watch Arete say Alice lives

What’s our night plan?

Anti-Lynch (day) - 1 use

What I had up until this point:

Portion of readlist that hasn’t changed due to obvious reasons

  • Wazza - town vig. I don’t believe this to be quite questionable, since it would be easily confirmable.

  • Italy - town Transporter. Similarly confirmable.

  • Marshal - town Vet. Pretty much confirmed I think.

  • CRichard564 - town Mayor. Again confirmed.

  • clonedcheese - town VT. duh

Previously null portions

  • N.1 Zone – Townlean. N.1 trying to gather “meta evidence” was pretty consistent with their towny attitudes that I know of – but some people say that they do this as scum too, so I won’t push this too much. Zone however has claimed VT – as much as I don’t like people claiming, I’m tempted to believe this as a truthful attempt by a legit VT to get out of getting lynched. They tried to catch up to thread as fast as possible, asking people for reads, claims, and other shenanigans, which further supports this slot being town.

  • Twil1ight – townlean until claim, then townread. This slot felt like they were looking at all possibilities, reasoning things one by one – towny. Their suspicions on Alice then the CC nailed this slot town.

  • katze - townlean. This slot has been trying to solve, and doesn’t feel informed. They sporadically switched between “team cheese” and “team alice” – if this slot was scum, I’d say that they would sit still on one wagon rather than being confused.

  • EVO – townread. This slot’s POV during their “fight” with alice made sense, and seemed like they were genuinely flustered that alice was continuing their narrative. Their TI claim, therefore, makes sense now.

  • SogMan -

  • Fossil – townlean, but possible 3p. Them calling out for civility and calmness was nice. They called for a “compromise” between Alice and Marshal yelling, which was noteworthy – I think this comes from town, watching from afar.

  • Universal – townlean. Like most of my other townleans, this slot has been doing ISO’s and trying to reason things out, considering all possibilities.

  • Magnus -

Previously non-null portions

  • an_gorta_pratai – null. As much as I don’t like this slot claiming VT right off the bat, their interaction with N.1/Zone’s slot has been quite villagery, inviting them to read and analyze and whatnot. Have this slot as null because this slot has not posted since that time, and want to see more. Can-be-both-alignments type of null here.

  • Alice - townread. I genuinely think this slot is what they claim to be - town tracker. This slot has been quite angry lately, and I think that this comes from town. Their claiming of vet was unoptimal given the players I think, and they should have known better, but what’s done is done. I again think this slot has been honest with what they were doing or was trying to do (claiming vet => reasoning behind FPS => claiming tracker). Won’t say they have 0 chance of being scum, but pretty towny.

*Updated Alice – null/scumlean. This slot calling for people to play mountainous seemed really bad, especially when they were getting pushed. Add onto that EVO and Twilight coming in

  • oB_Light – townlean.

  • TheBlueElixir -

  • PokemonKidRyan -

  • ModeShifter – Seth, and therefore (and only therefore) townie. I really don’t like their early VT claim, their unbased pushes on me, and pushing mayor to reveal. However, I think the last two genuinely comes from seth – as such, I believe that revealing VT was honest (but stupid nonetheless).

If you want to look over it you can

Do I want to poison myself?

why do that when we can fac kill you

It isn’t publicly known, and you’re occupy immune anyway.


I don’t think we should kill cloned though.
What would it achieve?

a lot of things, magnus, a lot

no as in like

I can claim poisoned tmrw

and be like

i town
i live d2

then die N2 and bring like 2 townies down with me

Let’s say this;

You claim to be poisoned. Where’s the proof?

RIP Alice for getting super illogical as townie btw, RIP marshal’s ego when he finds out her role

and RIP me ofc

nobody else was poisoned?

actually when I think about it, not a good idea

because why the fuck would a poisoner poison a VT

are you actioning tonight

cuz if not

I can just no action
and EVO can claim poison

I probably won’t, no.
When Alice flips, I probably won’t be the first target picked.

It would help a lot if Alice was conveniently nk.

oh shit that is an interesting idea

that would…be indescribably helpful