ToS 2 - Coven Chat

However Transporter isn’t immune to being occupied. It’s only immune to CL’s bewtiched ability

What’s the priority list, then?

it’s confusing and jane’s not on right now

let’s just think of two different strats to make our lives easier

our first strat is pretty down

what about our second one?


It’s not that confusing, the only role that’s said to be immune to occupy is escort

Role for support*

well again

we don’t know for sure

i think what magnus is saying makes sense

no need for arguing, let’s just cover that case, just in case

I think we link me and katze no matter what

and I no action for EVO to claim poison

who do we kill?
who do we investigate?

Kill whoever.

Kill someone who was sheeping on cloned or evo, but not anyone leading the push.

Does factional kill still count as an action so the player who does the kill can’t do anything else?

do we kill italy?

i think so

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Alright then if poison isn’t prioritized over Italy’s action, I kill Zone or invest PKR. The guy claimed NB I believe

first off i’d like to point out that he never claimed NB

but sure

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Well he did say NB Double early game, but looking at it I think it was just for an example he did

Also, I just realized. With Italy focusing on Wazza, wouldn’t that leave CRichard open?

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we have a mayor

that might be WIFOM though

Italy might swap around richard instead, because scum will dodge wazza after he said “oh ill transport wazza”

Regardless I’ll invest either PKR or object_light. Or I can just kill ModeShifter