ToS 2 - Coven Chat

fuck i was gonna make a meme of The Dictator™ execution scene but i have so little, time, i’ll just pretend im absent in beginning so i can show up with the meme

Day begins.

Ree Italy.


oh fuck

i actually need to finish my readlist

I am making an official prediction.
Coven wins this game.

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Goddamn Cheese.
Your non-vote on Alice actually worked.

Did someone poison Wazza? Because they claim they were either occupied or Evo is CL. Honestly I feel like Wazza is leaving himself open for a mislynch here.

@Universal did you get info from night action?

Wazza’s trying to get a confession out of you

he expects you to say “yeah I’m CL but you should lynch NK first”
he’s actually the vig

don’t say anything, keep going with the TI narrative


@EVO get on here

yeah ik but im trying to limit how much TMI I give.
if I was healed would i be informed of an attack?

You would not be informed.

Wazza did not attack you


@Jane would i be told that no one visited my target as lookout or would i be told nothing if no one visited

aren’t they the same thing lmao

“No one visited”
[no feedback]


“someone visited”

meaning if you did get no feedback

then it would obviously be nobody visited :stuck_out_tongue:

This one.

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who did we poison again?


i noactioned