ToS 2 - Coven Chat

Following tos rules, the poison wouldn’t be noticed by anyone except the poisoned.

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evo, don’t use capslock.

yeah I became self aware, but it’s too late. The shitty part is my anger wasnt even AI i just fucking hate alice


goodbye all
alice is scary

Alright we can’t kill Alice tonight.
Otherwise we waste a day.

What did you and evo do wrong lol?
Did you just ally together?

i don’t know what i did

EVO allied and that was their mistake…

Who did I ally?

me lol

bussing is always the answer i guess

Alice may be lynched because we bussed you.

Oh god that’s more powerful than a delayed kill.
Make everyone citizen!

Things are still up in the air rn, but that is an option.


im dying from pressure here

Clonedcheese honestly, just try to post a valid and helpful readlist. The best we can do right now is try and shift this to our advantage after today.

time to try

Just forget mafia. Think of what citizen cloned would do.

here’s the problem

citizen cloned would be doing the exact same thing right now

same for me, i just cant stand her illogical argument

Then don’t do your citizen halves.
Do your helpful halves, the part that makes read lists.



I genuinely don’t do reads

less so D1