ToS 2 - Coven Chat

There was the other time, my first mafia game. But apparently it was bastard and I was a fake mafia meant to spy on the mafia team for town.

The game isn’t irredeemable.
But I think at least one of us should claim.

@Jane if I stonegaze, am I told the classes of those I kill?

If the answer is yes, that means we could get an rt claim hopefully for one of us.

That time I was tricked to reveal but I had no idea what was going on and got lynched. Everyone had a bad day after that. I feel bad because of my oblivious nature

bad idea

it’s already really late in the game

so i think claiming tmrw will just result in more suspicion

granted i think we have a 2nd vig or trans so if we hit one of those we can claim that

Good idea.

Is this actually possible, do you guys think? If he had defence, it would’ve made sense why he would’ve felt safe enough to do it. We couldn’t kill him easily,

i think it can warrant a uni check tonight
but don’t think so?

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It would definitely be possible.
And after a Marshal exe I don’t want to be played for a fool again.


but at this point

I think the mayor’s clear

worst case we can ask them to reveal today for the lynch


i think that was a bad move

I actually don’t care at this point.

I’m sorry about my behaviour right now, but I am actually annoyed right now. I won’t out you guys though. I’m not that bitter, and I don’t want to ruin your games.

I see two outcomes.

  1. I am lynched
  2. I survive the day

If the latter happens, I need to stonegaze. If the former happens, good luck my team. Don’t let your judgment be clouded as mine was.
I think I just need a break from this game for a few hours.

:laughing: Rich revealed themselves. Not nk, I was wrong about that, but whatever. You guys can kill them tonight if you want.

No, you are not.

Guys just a heads up: I will be gone for today. I have been given the honor to recieve a leadership award from an international college. I must attend a meeting tomorrow about it and will be unable to participate. I apologize for the inconvenience of this

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I will post this in main thread

Wait fuck


Since geyde and i are linked
If they get stonegazed
Do i get stoned too?

If medusa uses stonegaze
Are they immune for that night?



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